Hiroshima reinterpreted: Interview with professors Mark Selden and Peter Kuznick

Last edited 25 July 2005 at 8:00am
Professor Peter Kuznick (left) and Professor Mark Selden

Professor Peter Kuznick (left) and Professor Mark Selden

To mark the 60th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness Programme, Greenpeace, Medact, the Atomic Mirror Project and Scientists for Global Responsibility invited to the UK two leading US historians to discuss the validity of the decision to drop the atomic bomb in 1945, and the dangers of new nuclear policies in the 21st century.

Watch their interviews here:
See part 1 now 4.5 MBytes

See part 2 now 4.5 MBytes

To view these films you will need Windows Media Player. Download Windows Media Player



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