Stop the war campaign

Last edited 1 February 2003 at 9:00am

Stop the war campaign

activist image from inside tank

Greenpeace is opposed to war in Iraq and has begun an international campaign to prevent it. We have joined the Stop the War coalition. We will remain opposed, whether or not an attack is sanctioned by the United Nations.

Tuesday 4th February: Fourteen Greenpeace volunteers entered Southampton's Marchwood Military Port and occupied tanks and jeeps queued up to leave on the roll-on/roll-off ferry Stena Shipper. Four of the volunteers climbed into tanks and secured the hatches behind them. Pictures are coming back from inside the tank where one activist uncovered a 'no war' slogan.

On Saturday 1st February, the Rainbow Warrior resumed its peace blockade at Southampton's Marchwood Military Port stopping military hardware leaving for the Gulf. The Rainbow Warrior anchored directly in front of the supply vessel 'Dart 8' as it was being loaded with helicopters, jeeps and tanks.

At 10pm 20 police officers boarded the Rainbow Warrior and attached a large tug to the ship in an attempt to drag it from it's position. Greenpeace have taken legal advice as to why the Secretary of State is acting outside of the Direction of the High Court ruling on Friday which stated that the Rainbow Warrior did not have to leave these waters.

Greenpeace activist hangs from the military supply ship Lyra Activist attached to the stern of the MV Lyra
The renewed blockade follows the failure of Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon to get a High Court injunction banning the Rainbow Warrior from the area. The High Court Judge granted an interim injunction stipulating that Greenpeace must not board or touch the MOD chartered vessels.

On Thursday, 30th January, Greenpeace volunteers set up a peace camp on the MV Lyra, a military supply ship with a cargo of military hardware. Five volunteers climbed on to the vessel as it was leaving its anchorage in the Solent, bound for the Gulf. Greenpeace's flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, anchored nearby. We will stay on the MV Lyra as far as the Gulf, if necessary.

The millions of pounds worth of miltary cargo on board the Lyra came from Southampton's Marchwood port.

Rainbow Warrior resumes peace blockade at Marchwood Military Port Rainbow Warrior blockades Marchwood Military Port
On Monday, 27th January, the Rainbow Warrior and a flotilla of small inflatable boats blocked Marchwood while Greenpeace climbers painted "NO WAR" on military supply vessel, the Magdelana Green.

War is the wrong way to stop the spread of nuclear and chemical weapons. The only safe way to get rid of weapons of mass destruction is collective international arms control and disarmament by all, including the US and Britain.

A war against Iraq would have devastating consequences. It will lead to more human suffering, more terrorism, more conflict and more global warming - as an attack on Iraq is clearly a barely disguised desire to take control of Iraq's huge oil reserves.

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