
Create a revolution in your wardrobe - part two

Posted by Louise Edge — 9 August 2011 at 2:58pm - Comments

In the second half of our tips on greening your wardrobe - to help you clean up your clothing inspired by our Detox campaign - we look at saying no to child labour, questioning distressed denim, avoiding greenwash, spring cleaning, speaking out and spreading the word.

From our China team: how to lose a foot on fieldwork

Posted by Louise Edge — 14 July 2011 at 10:52am - Comments

Zhong Yu has worked for Greenpeace in China for over seven years and has witnessed some of the most devastating environmental disasters there from rapid glacier retreat on the Himalayas, the 2008 Sichuan earthquake to last summer’s devastating Dalian oil spill. Here, she writes about the undercover research behind our latest report, which exposes the terrible impact that China’s growing textile industry is having on the country’s rivers.

Nike & Adidas: time to Detox the world’s water

Posted by Louise Edge — 13 July 2011 at 12:25pm - Comments

Game on, Nike and Adidas. Greenpeace is calling you out to see which one of you is stronger on the flats, quicker on the breaks, turns faster and plays harder at a game we’re calling Detox. Who’ll be the first to take action and eliminate hazardous chemical discharges from their supply chain? Who will be the champion of a toxic-free future?

The polluted secret behind jeans and bras

Posted by Louise Edge — 10 February 2011 at 5:28pm - Comments

Yesterday the Guardian featured a series of pictures showing the appalling impact that China’s growing textile industry is having on the Pearl River delta.

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