climate sceptics

Oil companies: evil or stupid? Lawson weighs in

Posted by Graham Thompson — 19 June 2013 at 3:44pm - Comments
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Lord Lawson: expert witness in the defence of Big Oil

On Tuesday, the Energy Bill we’re all so exercised about (oh yes you are) went for its second reading in the Lords. Their lordships Teverson, Deben, Prescott, Oxburgh and others spoke well. Stern and Worthington are actually worth reading.  

The anti-wind Blobby

Posted by Graham Thompson — 17 June 2013 at 4:49pm - Comments
One of John Constable's colleagues
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One of John Constable's colleagues

The Telegraph is yet again trying to pretend that Noel Edmonds’ anti-wind lobby, the cosmically ordered Renewable Energy Foundation, is a reliable source of data. In case you don’t remember, this is the organisation which produces nonsensical made-up ‘reports’ attacking wind power, whilst claiming on their home page to be in the business of promoting renewable energy.<--break->

Climate and Euroscepticism: leftwing, rightwing and wrongwing

Posted by Graham Thompson — 10 May 2013 at 5:35pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: ©TVO Photos/flickr/CC BY 2.0
Lord Lawson, chairman of the sceptic tank GWPF

Lean, mean budgeting machine Lord Nigel Lawson is back in the news, still resolutely sceptical but, for a change, not about climate science. He’s returned to his old stamping ground, the European Union, and is now being resolutely sceptical about that. These two positions, climate scepticism and euroscepticism, are complementary.

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