Destructive Fishing

Expo-sed! The unsustainable seafood industry

Posted by jossc — 24 April 2007 at 11:03am - Comments

Brussels Seafood Expo 2007

Brussels Seafood Expo 2007: the world's largest

Yesterday saw the start of the world's largest seafood trading event – the Brussels Seafood Expo 2007. Between the 24 and 26 April seafood companies from all over the planet will attend the Expo, where millions of euros worth of seafood are bought and sold. Much of this seafood comes from stocks that are massively over-exploited and caught using fishing gear that is highly destructive of the marine environment. So 35 Greenpeace campaigners from across Europe have converged on the site to engage with business people from the international seafood trade and ask them - what are you doing to make your industry more sustainable?

North Sea Marine Reserves Now!

Posted by jossc — 20 April 2007 at 2:03pm - Comments

Marine Reserves Now!

The North Sea, once one of the most productive in the world, is now amongst the most degraded. Oil extraction, waste dumping and chemical pollution have all taken their toll, and relentless commercial fishing has pushed some fish stocks - such as cod - to the brink of collapse.

Which is why our ship Arctic Sunrise is once again heading out into the North Sea to campaign for the urgent creation of marine reserves - national parks at sea where marine life can get some respite from commercial exploitation.

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