
Shell less than transparent about worst UK oil spill in a decade

Posted by bex — 15 August 2011 at 1:52pm - Comments
Shell/Esso's Kittiwake platform, North Sea
All rights reserved. Credit: Fred Dott / Greenpeace
Shell/Esso's Kittiwake platform, North Sea (1996)

As I write, Shell is working to contain an oil spill off the Aberdeenshire coast that is already, reportedly, the worst spill in UK waters for over a decade. 

LIVE NOW: you've got 24 hours to make a world record

Posted by jamess — 13 April 2011 at 12:42pm - Comments
by. Credit: n/a

Update, 14 April: We did it! Greenpeace smashed the world record for comments on a Facebook post with a total of 80,027 in 24 hours. 

While many of us squander productive hours on the Facebook monster, today there's something useful and important you can do on the social network: set a world record and help push the internet giant off coal.

Place your bets in the Arctic oil casino!

Posted by Richardg — 30 March 2011 at 11:04am - Comments
Melting icebergs in the path of rigs in the Arctic, the latest oil frontier
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
Melting icebergs in the path of rigs in the Arctic, the latest oil frontier

Drilling in the Arctic is a risky business. So it’s a good thing that the only company with a license to drill in the Arctic isn’t comparing the whole endeavour to hanging out in Vegas and trying your hand at shooting craps.

Oh wait. That’s exactly what they’re doing.

From our radiation sampling team in Japan

Posted by jamie — 29 March 2011 at 10:15am - Comments
Jacob Namminga checks a colleague's boots for traces of radioactivity
All rights reserved. Credit: Christian Åslund/Greenpeace
Jacob Namminga checks a colleague's boots for traces of radioactivity

Jacob Namminga, one of our radiation safety advisors, spoke to Brian Fitzgerald at our international office, about the radiation monitoring that began on Saturday March 26, in a rural area of Japan to the north west of the Fukushima nuclear plant.

The trip's aim was to asses the true extent of radiation risks to the local population, which has reported radiation levels of up to ten micro sieverts per hour in Iitate village, 20km beyond the official evacuation zone - levels high enough to require evacuation. As told to Brian, here are Jacob's reflections on the trip.

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