
Create a revolution in your wardrobe - part one

Posted by Louise Edge — 2 August 2011 at 5:01pm - Comments

Has our Detox campaign made you think about your clothes and their hidden consequences? You may already heart second hand, throwaway fashion makes you ill, and your mantra is quality not quantity. But how else can you align your sartorial and sustainable sides? Here's our first set of tips to help decrease your fashion's footprint.

Nike & Adidas: time to Detox the world’s water

Posted by Louise Edge — 13 July 2011 at 12:25pm - Comments

Game on, Nike and Adidas. Greenpeace is calling you out to see which one of you is stronger on the flats, quicker on the breaks, turns faster and plays harder at a game we’re calling Detox. Who’ll be the first to take action and eliminate hazardous chemical discharges from their supply chain? Who will be the champion of a toxic-free future?

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