illegal fishing

Fishy Business in Spain

Posted by Ariana Densham — 10 October 2011 at 11:18am - Comments

This animation highlights some very fishy business we exposed in Spain recently. The case we uncovered, followed a nine-month investigation into the fishy dealings of “Toño”, one of Spain’s notorious fishing barons.   We exposed how his family network has amassed a list of convictions for illegal fishing and are continuing to operate around the world, putting vital fish stocks in danger.

Defending Pacific tuna in Taiwan

Posted by jamie — 31 January 2011 at 4:07pm - Comments
Ron with activist alongside the MV Lung Yuin in Taiwan
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Hilton/Greenpeace
Ron with activist alongside the MV Lung Yuin in Taiwan

While in the UK we're focusing on Princes and the consumer end of the tuna trade, in Taiwan the Rainbow Warrior has been exposing the problems with tuna fishing. Last week, the crew prevented a fish cargo ship from leaving port...

Branded a Pirate

Last edited 13 April 2006 at 8:00am
13 April, 2006

Las Palmas, March 12th 2006: Greenpeace activists have gone aboard an illegal cargo vessel full of fish taken from Guinean waters. Greenpeace and the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) have been following the Binar 4 for the last six days from West Africa to Europe and the activists will continue to "police" the vessel until Spanish authorities confiscate its illegal cargo. While the ship was waiting to enter port it was branded a pirate with the slogan "Stolen Fish" painted five times across both sides of the hull.

"Shut your port to the pirate ship"

Last edited 10 April 2006 at 8:00am
10 April, 2006

Madrid, Spain, 10th March 2006: As a pirate fishing vessel loaded with fish stolen from West Africa makes its way towards Las Palmas, Greenpeace and the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) this morning presented evidence to the Fisheries Ministry in Madrid, outlining why the authorities should ban the ship from the port when it arrives - in two or three days time.

Greenpeace arrest pirate fishing vessel off African coast

Last edited 29 March 2006 at 9:00am
29 March, 2006

Guinea, Africa: At first light yesterday morning (March 28th, 2006), the Greenpeace helicopter flew over a group of fishing vessels 60 miles off the coast of Guinea. One was not on the list of ships authorized to fish. An inflatable boat was launched from the Greenpeace ship M.Y Esperanza, taking a Guinean Navy officer and a fisheries inspector with a crew from Greenpeace and the Environmental Justice Foundation on board.

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