illegal logging

'Bandit' loggers ordered to 'hijack' Greenpeace in the Amazon

Last edited 26 November 2003 at 9:00am
26 November, 2003

300 Brazilian loggers, bribed by local officials with promises of free alcohol, fuel and T-shirts, converged on the Greenpeace ship the MV Arctic Sunrise in a mid-river stand-off in the Amazon yesterday (23 November). The loggers are angered by the international environmental group's ongoing exposure of illegal logging in the area.

Illegal logging and destruction continues in the Amazon

Last edited 24 November 2003 at 9:00am
24 November, 2003

Porto de Moz (Para, Brazil), 22 November 2003 - Greenpeace today protested against industrial level forest exploitation in the remote Porto de Moz region of Brazil's Para State. Activists painted "Crime" on 6,000 cubic metres of logs and on a barge used to transport logs, and marked the area with yellow tape as a "Forest Crime" scene.

Free speech on trial

Last edited 19 November 2003 at 9:00am

President George W Bush is visiting the UK this week. Prior to his arrival, he told the BBC that protestors didn't worry him, adding that they were "lucky" to live in a country "where people are free to say anything".

Yet George Bush's administration is prosecuting an entire organisation - Greenpeace - for the peaceful activities of its members.

UCATT and Greenpeace join forces to 'green' timber procurement

Last edited 11 November 2003 at 9:00am
11 November, 2003

This Tuesday (11th November) UCATT (Britain's construction workers' union) and Greenpeace will join forces to launch a new initiative to ensure that UK construction companies stop fuelling illegal logging and the destruction of the world's last remaining ancient forests.

Esperanza refused entry to US port

Last edited 28 October 2003 at 9:00am

Our ship the MY Esperanza has been refused access to docking space in Miami, USA because the local port authorities claim it is a "security risk". The Port of Miami cites an outstanding court case the Bush administration is pursuing against Greenpeace in the USA, as the reason for its refusal to allow the ship to berth.

Bush versus Greenpeace

Last edited 20 October 2003 at 8:00am
US activists intercepting a ship laden with illegally logged  mahogany

US activists intercepting a ship laden with illegally logged mahogany

In a move unprecedented in its history, the US government has indicted an entire organisation - Greenpeace, Inc. - for the peaceful protest activities of its supporters. (Greenpeace Inc is the Greenpeace office in the USA).

Greenpeace volunteers infiltrate Tilbury Docks and brand illegal rainforest timber

Last edited 21 July 2003 at 8:00am
21 July, 2003
Activists  branding rainforest plywood illegally importer into Tilbury docks, London

Tilbury Docks is declared an ancient forest crime scene by Greenpeace volunteers

Media Briefing: UK timber traders and illegal logging

Last edited 21 July 2003 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: July 2003

How UK timber traders such as Finnforest, Montague L Meyer continue to fuel the destruction of Indonesia's last rainforests

Download the report:

Travis Perkins' trade in illegal Indonesian timber exposed

Last edited 14 June 2003 at 8:00am
14 June, 2003

Greenpeace volunteers this morning entered Travis Perkins timber merchants in Dalston, East London and tried to cordon off areas of the store containing illegal and destructively logged timber from Indonesia's last remaining rainforests.

The store is one of 24 Travis Perkins timber merchants in 15 regions around the country (including Hampstead, Paddington, Vauxhall, Battersea and Palmers Green in London) being visited by Greenpeace volunteers today.

Travis Perkins' stores targeted by Greenpeace over trade in illegal Indonesian timber

Last edited 14 June 2003 at 8:00am
14 June, 2003
Barito Pacific plywood and doors from Indonesia can still be found in Travis Perkins' UK stores

Barito Pacific plywood and doors from Indonesia can still be found in Travis Perkins' UK stores

Greenpeace today welcomed an announcement by timber merchants Jewson that they will cease importing Indonesian rainforest plywood by the end of this year (1).