marine reserves

Greenpeace welcomes reports of proposed marine law

Last edited 21 September 2004 at 8:00am
21 September, 2004

Greenpeace has welcomed reports that the government is proposing to designate marine reserves to allow damaged oceans to recover.(1)

A Greenpeace ship, the MY Esperanza, is currently in the North Sea campaigning for a network of marine reserves.

Greenpeace intercepts trawlers in 'Dogger Bank' Marine Reserve

Last edited 25 August 2004 at 8:00am
25 August, 2004

This morning Greenpeace activists are taking action to defend the proposed Dogger Bank Marine Reserve in the North Sea from destructive fishing methods.

Greenpeace stop trawlers from fishing in 'Dogger Bank' marine reserve

Last edited 18 August 2004 at 8:00am
18 August, 2004

This morning Greenpeace prevented a fishing vessel from fishing in the proposed Dogger Bank Marine Reserve. Five activists in three inflatable boats blockaded the English owned Dutch operated beam trawler 'Johannes Calvijn', by positioning themselves along a line with buoys in the path of the vessel. The trawler passed the people in the water and sailed on.

The activists then approached another UK owned Dutch operated beam trawler 'Grietje Klaas' and attempted to prevent it setting its nets. The action is continuing now.

Drama on the high seas as Greenpeace activists defend Dogger Bank Marine Reserve from destructive trawling methods

Last edited 12 August 2004 at 8:00am
12 August, 2004

At 9am Greenpeace activists in 3 rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) dropped buoys to prevent a Dutch beam trawler 'the Gorge Johannes Klazina' from setting its nets. Before taking action the activists had called on the trawler's captain to leave the Dogger Bank Marine Reserve.

Six other Dutch beam trawlers then joined the scene, surrounded one of the Greenpeace RIBs and threw missiles at the activists. One of the trawlers then approached the Greenpeace ship Esperanza and fishermen wearing ski masks shot three flares at the ship. One flare hit Esperanza's mast, but no one was injured.

Greenpeace and North Sea fishermen share dismay at wasteful fishing policy

Last edited 11 August 2004 at 8:00am -
11 August, 2004

Greenpeace ship the MV Esperanza, currently in the Dogger Bank area of the North Sea, was yesterday presented with a huge pile of discarded fish and other marine life by a Belgian fishing vessel.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace ship marks first marine reserve area

Last edited 9 August 2004 at 8:00am
9 August, 2004

Greenpeace ship Esperanza has completed the demarcation of the proposed Dogger Bank marine reserve in the North Sea. The demarcation, which started on 4th August, involved setting ocean buoys around the perimeter of the proposed reserve. As the demarcation was completed Greenpeace divers unfurled an underwater banner saying 'Dogger Bank - protect it for future generations'.

Greenpeace discover beauty beneath the waves

Last edited 27 July 2004 at 8:00am
27 July, 2004

Underwater cameramen operating off Greenpeace Ship Esperanza in the Viking Bank and Dogger Bank areas of the North Sea have captured beautiful images of life beneath the waves.

Contrary to the image of the North Sea as dead and lifeless, the underwater shots reveal a world of colour and variety. Soft coral known as 'dead men's fingers', octopus, lion mane jellyfish and strawberry rose anemone are just a few of the species already captured on film.

Saving the mountains under the sea

Last edited 2 December 2003 at 9:00am

Sea anemones on the St Kilda seamount, north of Scotland

Sea anemones on the St Kilda seamount, north of Scotland

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