
How Scotland’s marine wildlife is in danger from plastic pollution

Posted by TishaBrown — 4 June 2017 at 8:27am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose/Greenpeace

Scotland is the envy of the world with its rich waters teeming with wildlife and spectacular coastlines and beaches. But it’s increasingly at threat from the scourge of marine plastic pollution.

Why I ran to Thai Union, why I stand for tuna and the ocean

Posted by Rattanasiri Kit... — 2 June 2017 at 10:14am - Comments
Greenpeace activists in tuna costumes run in Central Bangkok
All rights reserved. Credit: © Wason Wanichakorn / Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists in tuna costumes run in Central Bangkok

It was a hot and humid morning in Bangkok but that didn’t stop me from running almost 4 kms in a tuna costume with 20 fellow activists to Thai Union’s headquarters in Bangkok. Was I crazy? Was I hallucinating? No. Over 680,000 consumers from over 130 countries and territories around the world had a message to deliver to Thai Union, urging the company to step forward as a leader on sourcing more sustainable and socially responsible canned tuna, and I was proud to be part of it.

Passing the torch from consumers to Thai Union

Are basking sharks eating plastic? We went to find out.

Posted by Luke Massey — 31 May 2017 at 4:24pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Will Rose / Greenpeace
Crew on the Beluga II search for basking sharks on the west coast of Scotland

“Basking sharks!”

At 5am, these words shatter the silence in the sleeping quarters on the lower deck of the ship.

The crew burst into life, wrestling on clothes, cameras, binoculars.

Up on the helm, eyes pace back and forth across the expansive blue of Gunna Sound – a known feeding ground for these gentle giants off the west coast of Scotland – searching for the elusive fins which moments before pierced the water.

And then… nothing.

Do the manifestos commit to end ocean plastics?

Posted by Louisa Casson — 22 May 2017 at 10:50am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Kajsa Sjolander / Greenpeace

No matter which party possible MPs belong to, or which constituency they are campaigning to represent, they all have a responsibility to help end ocean plastics.

Onboard the Beluga II

Posted by Marcela Teran — 19 May 2017 at 12:00pm - Comments
A picture of Marcela, member of GPUK oceans team, onboard the Beluga II boat
All rights reserved. Credit: Kajsa Sjölander / Greenpeace
Marcela onboard the Beluga II

Last week I had the privilege to sail along the east coast of Scotland on board Greenpeace’s ship the Beluga II. This is the start of a two-month expedition documenting and investigating the impact of plastic in some of the most stunning and biodiverse areas of the UK.

An uninhabited island deep in the South Pacific falls prey to a plague - of plastic.

Posted by Louisa Casson — 16 May 2017 at 12:42pm - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Jennifer Lavers / The Guardian
One of many hundreds of crabs that now make their homes out of plastic debris washed up on Henderson Island. Photograph: Jennifer Lavers / The Guardian

It's a horror story.<--break->

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