reactor safety

Nuclear reactors replacing Chernobyl are "hazardous" says leaked government report

Last edited 30 November 2000 at 9:00am
30 November, 2000

Greenpeace called on the executive directors of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) meeting here today to delay their decision on whether to finance the two Chernobyl replacement reactors in the Ukraine, after a leaked government study revealed serious short-comings in the safety of the plants.

Damning Sellafield safety reports must lead to shut down of plutonium business

Last edited 18 February 2000 at 9:00am
18 February, 2000
18th February, 2000 - Greenpeace today urged the Government to end nuclear reprocessing and refuse BNFL permission to further commercially develop 'MOX' nuclear fuel following a series of highly critical reports into BNFL's Sellafield site, issued by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII).

The three reports examined site safety at Sellafield, problems surrounding storage of high level radioactive waste on the site and BNFL's falsification of safety data for plutonium fuel (MOX) sent to Japan.

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