
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

The World Trade Organisation

Last edited 5 December 2003 at 9:00am

Biotechnology companies are attempting a corporate take-over of the entire food chain. Farmers, especially those in developing nations, have already lost out because of subsidies and tarrifs. Meanwhile the World Trade Organisation (WTO), led by the USA, plans to bully more countries into accepting GM seeds, GM crops and unlabelled GM foods.

The WTO promotes free trade for the gain of private interests, over and above our health and the environment. Greenpeace is opposed to the globalisation that is increasing corporate power, evidenced by the agenda of the WTO.

Greenpeace takes Mexican Government to court over returned shipment of contaminated corn

Last edited 15 September 2003 at 8:00am

Due to the complicity of the Mexican government, the ship "Ikan Altamira" returned to the port of Veracruz, Mexico. Escorted by the military this afternoon, it began unloading its 40,000 tonnes of GE contaminated corn, even though this violates the Biosafety Protocol, an international agreement signed by the Mexican government.

USA and EU sink the WTO round in Cancun

Last edited 15 September 2003 at 8:00am
15 September, 2003

14th September 2003, Cancun, Mexico. The fifth WTO ministerial conference failed to reach an agreement today. This failure is the "expected" end of a trade system ruled by WTO with a single-minded objective of trade liberalisation. Greenpeace urges governments to rapidly convene an international conference with the mandate to provide the basis for the creation of an alternative trade system.

The WTO's failure in Cancun to engage countries in more trade liberalisation confirms the commonly shared diagnosis of this organisation:

Greenpeace enforces international law to stop GMOs entering Mexico

Last edited 12 September 2003 at 8:00am
12 September, 2003

As the World Trade Organisation meeting in Mexico looks set to leave developing countries at the mercy of the US and biotech companies like Monsanto, Greenpeace stopped the first shipment of genetically engineered maize entering Mexico after a new international law came into force yesterday allowing countries to reject GMOs.

Take action: Make sure the UK says 'no' at the WTO

Last edited 27 August 2003 at 8:00am
Greenpeace volunteers stop a train full of GM maize in its tracks

Greenpeace volunteers stop a train full of GM maize in its tracks

The United States wants to force-feed the world genetically modified (GM) organisms.

On May 13, 2003 the US government filed a complaint in the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the European Union's (EU) de facto moratorium on genetically modified organisms.

Why you should care about the WTO

Last edited 26 August 2003 at 8:00am
A Greenpeace campaigner presents EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy with contaminated soy.

A Greenpeace campaigner presents EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy with contaminated soy.

If you care about...