
Tony Blair frustrated as conference hotel and Granita go GM free

Last edited 27 September 1999 at 8:00am
27 September, 1999

Tony Blair will be unable to satisfy his passion for genetically modified food this week at the Labour Party Conference as his conference hotel is going GM-free. To add insult to injury, his favourite Islington restaurant, Granita (where he and Gordon Brown famously decided who would lead the Labour Party) is also turning its back on GM food. The news comes only days after the Palace of Westminster caterers announced that they were going GM free.

Monsanto's GM potatoes on the loose

Last edited 17 September 1999 at 8:00am
17 September, 1999

Ottawa/Vienna, 17 September 1999 -- Biotech giant Monsanto imported Canadian genetically engineered (GE) potatoes to Ukraine ignoring the laws that require environmental impact assessment, according to a Greenpeace investigation published today. Greenpeace called today in Vienna on the world's governments to agree to international rules such as the Biosafety Protocol to stop the proliferation of genetic engineered organisms (GMOs).

Thousands to gather for organic picnic against genetically modified foods

Last edited 25 July 1999 at 8:00am
25 July, 1999

On Sunday the 25th of July 1999 thousands of people, including many celebrities such as Emily Lloyd, Maryam D'Abo, Simon and Yasmin Le Bon, Ben Elliott and Jemima Khan, will express their support for organic food and opposition to GM food at Britain's largest ever organic picnic.

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