
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Keeping in touch with Greenpeace

Posted by jamie — 12 November 2007 at 6:04pm - Comments

Keeping up with everything that's happening at Greenpeace is a challenge - I work here and sometimes I find it a struggle. But we have got some nifty services to make that a whole lot easier and instead of coming here to find out what the latest news is, we can come to you instead.

For instance, there's a automated service which will send an email when we publish new stories or information on the site. It's a daily digest so you won't be bombarded with emails, and if we don't publish anything you won't receive anything. Also included are links from our page which we use to bookmark interesting news items, blog stories and videos from elsewhere on the web, so you can see what we've been reading in the office.

Follow this link to subscribe to (almost) daily updates from this blog (it takes about two seconds), but we also have email updates for other sections on the site such as press releases, report or videos. Or you can pick the campaign topics you're interested in and updates on those - here's the full list.

Contact us

Last edited 12 April 2017 at 12:48pm

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