Bhopal is still suffering

Last edited 30 November 2001 at 9:00am
Bhopal: contaminated well

Bhopal: contaminated well

The chemical industry disaster at Bhopal on 3rd December 1984 killed and injured thousands of people. Yet the gas leak was just the beginning of an ongoing tragedy. More than 17 years later, residents of Bhopal are still suffering injury, not just from the accident but the legacy of contamination left by the chemical industry. Virtually nothing has been done to clean up the site and water used by people for everyday needs is still contaminated.

The Union Carbide factory, Bhopal, India began manufacturing pesticides in 1969. Following the gas disaster of December 3rd 1984, the plant ceased normal operations. Four years later the site was abandoned by the company. Hazardous waste is strewn around the site and there are large areas of contamination both above and below the ground. Today, more than 20,000 people live in close proximity to the factory site.

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