Victory at the IMO

Last edited 24 November 2003 at 9:00am

The International Maritime Organisation has decided not to expel Greenpeace for "unsafe seamanship". The charges - made by flag of convenience states and other targets of Greenpeace direct actions, were discussed at an IMO meeting on 21 November.

Prior to the meeting, thousands of cyberactivists from around the world sent messages of protest to selected delegations that were wavering or supporting our eviction.

In the final forty-eight hours before Friday's meeting, member states began to express their support explicitly.

The IMO - a UN organisation - is charged with ensuring "cleaner seas" and "safer shipping." But it is dominated by the interests of the oil and shipping industries.

Ironically, Greenpeace was accused of recklessness at sea by a body which defends the interests of the industry responsible for the Exxon Valdez and Prestige oil spills.

Greenpeace plays a valuable role in speaking for the oceans. We will continue working within the IMO to bring attention to issues such as ship breaking, tanker safety and protected areas, where the IMO needs to take urgent action.

The IMO's quiet attempts to silence Greenpeace were thwarted when we raised the issue in public. A previous decision in June by the Chair of the IMO to evict Greenpeace had been described as "final" until press attention questioning the move caused a strategic retreat, and the decision was forwarded to the current Assembly meeting. The June decision was taken without a vote while Singapore held the chair. Singapore is one of the "flag of convenience" states which licenses unsafe ships and rustbucket tankers.

"In a body dominated by special interests, we see it as our role to remind the IMO of their real constituents: the future generations who have a right to clean oceans," said Greenpeace campaigner Paul Horsman.

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