Tuna: on the brink of extinction

Last edited 10 June 2014 at 1:35pm

The UK eats more tuna than any other country except the USA. No wonder - it’s the UK’s most popular tinned fish. But tuna also provides a critical part of the diet of millions of people across the globe. Sadly, rampant overfishing is pushing some species, like the magnificent bluefin tuna, to the brink of extinction. Our appetite for cheap tinned tuna also puts other species like sharks, turtles and rays at risk through indiscriminate catch methods. We work to promote sustainable fishing methods, and to stop the fishing of endangered tuna species.

Campaign updates

Catch a passing FAD

The crew of the Esperanza, still out patrolling the Pacific against the overfishing of tuna, just sent us this video update. They have been...
Posted by jossc - 30 September, 2009 - 13:51 -

What happened to your promise to protect bluefin, M Sarkozy?

First of all, apologies to any non-French speakers watching this video, because it's not going to make any sense. So why do I want you to see it? Well, it'...
Posted by jossc - 23 September, 2009 - 15:28

What happened to your promise to protect bluefin, M Sarkozy?

First of all, apologies to any non-French speakers watching this video, because it's not going to make any sense. So why do I want you to see it? Well, it'...
Posted by jossc - 23 September, 2009 - 15:28

Bluefin-Eating Surrender Monkeys?

It's de rigueur in some quarters to dismiss France jokingly, as the Simpsons and some US political-types famously have done in the past. But the news today...
Posted by Willie - 21 September, 2009 - 19:13

EU breakthrough on bluefin

Breaking news just in from Brussels - despite all the doubts and concerns some of us have harboured over the past few weeks, it seems the EU Commission is...
Posted by Willie - 8 September, 2009 - 19:22

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