How to vote in the EU Referendum

Posted by India Thorogood — 3 June 2016 at 2:00pm - Comments

On the 23rd June the UK will vote on whether or not to leave the European Union.

Here’s all the information you’ll need to register to vote, get to the polling station and put a cross in one of the boxes!  

So first things first…. 

  1. Can YOU actually vote in the EU referendum?

Yes, if you are registered to vote in the UK, are 18 or over on 23 June 2016 and are:

  • A British or Irish citizen living in the UK, or
  • A Commonwealth citizen living in the UK who has leave to remain in the UK or who does not require leave to remain in the UK, or
  • A British citizen living overseas who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years, or
  • An Irish citizen living overseas who was born in Northern Ireland and who has been registered to vote in Northern Ireland in the last 15 years.

2. What if you’re on holiday or away from home? How can you register for a postal vote?

Click here to go to the government website and apply for a postal vote

3. What if you can’t find your national insurance number?

You don’t necessarily need your national insurance number, it’s simply one way the local council can check who you are. If you fill in the application, without your national insurance number, it’s your local council’s duty to verify you another way.

4. When do you vote?

The EU referendum is on 23rd June, you can head down to your local polling station 7am-10pm.

5. Where do you vote?

Click here to find out where your local polling station is

6. Ok, but, what actually is the European Union?

The European Union consists of the representatives of 28 countries who make decisions together. It has the ability to make laws that are then implemented in the UK - on things like workers rights, the environment and immigration.

When it comes to the environment, the EU has put in a place lots of rules which allow countries to work together to protect the planet (these same laws could have been implemented on a national level too, but instead they were decided by EU decision makers together).

The UK and others EU countries sometimes negotiate the right to opt-out of some of the laws and agreements the EU makes (our government decided to do this when it came to relaxing border controls).

The EU is made up of lots of different bodies, the BBC have a good guide here.

7. Do I vote in or out?

Well, that’s one decision you need to make yourself.

But here’s a few links that might help you make up your mind.

The official IN campaign is here. It’s backed by the Prime Minister David Cameron, the Green Party, the Labour Party and the SNP and Plaid Cymru too.

The official OUT campaign is here. It’s backed by some MPs in the Conservative Party, as well as a few in the Labour Party and it’s fully backed by the UK Independence Party.

Here's a blog by our Executive Director John Sauven.

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