International Whaling Commission Meeting 3-6 July 2000 Adelaide, Australia.

Last edited 3 July 2000 at 8:00am



Japans 'scientific' whaling - A global strategy to resume large scale commercial whaling

Intent on seeing a return to large-scale high seas whaling but unable to overturn the international moratorium on commercial whaling that came into effect in 1986, Japan continues to kill whales in increasing numbers using the guise of 'scientific' research.

As the Japanese press reported when the 'scientific' whaling programme began, Japan is using it as a means of keeping the whaling industry alive until a way can be found to reverse the moratorium decision.

Under International Whaling Commission (IWC) rules, countries are permitted to issue permits for lethal research and it is this loophole in the convention that Japan employs to give its whaling a thin veil of respectability. Its

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