Sponsored Events

Last edited 6 October 2011 at 4:39pm


Fancy doing a run, swim, or cycle for Greenpeace? Or a maybe even a bit of all three!

Whether you decide to don the Speedos, lace up those running shoes or strap on your cycling helmet you can be sure you will be making a huge difference to Greenpeace's work.  When you're out there braving the elements you can keep motivated by the good you're doing to help stop climate change!

Our only request is that you keep the carbon miles down and take part in an event in the UK or one that's easily accessible in Europe by train.

Find the right running event for you

Do you have a ballot place for the London or Brighton Marathon? If you'd like to run for us please let us know here.

If running a marathon isn't for you, why not think about a smaller distance that you can do with friends, loved ones or a team from work? We have teamed up with BigFunRuns to be part of 22 different 5km events across the UK from Aberdeen to Maidstone. The events run throughout the summer. Visit their website to sign up.

For more running events in your area visit the Runners World website

Women's 5k challenge
This event is for any woman who fancies having a day out in London and at the same time getting a bit of exercise and raising some money for Greenpeace. If this sounds like you then why not join our (hopefully) large but very elite team of eco-exercisers in the Womens 5K in St James's Park on 5th September 2010. 

It's run by the same people who organise the London Marathon and is a very popular event. The online entry opens on 1st April – the entry fee is £15 of which Greenpeace Environmental Trust get £5 if you nominate us as your chosen charity.

In addition if you want to raise some more money we have fundraising packs with hot tips, ideas and sponsorship forms.

To order a fundraising pack or to let us know when you’ve signed up for the race give Issy Griffin a call on 020 7865 8236 or email fundraising.uk@greenpeace.org.

Get yourself sponsored

If you're not the sporty type then how about doing your own thing and getting sponsored?  Shave your head, stay silent for a day, wear a crazy costume.  We're sure you'll come up with something fun and inspired to raise some money.

How to get sponsored

All money raised from sponsored events will go to our charitable arm, the Greenpeace Environmental Trust.  This is to enable you to set up your own fundraising pages on online charity sponsorship sites. 

These sponsorship sites can also help make your event profile even bigger – because they are all internet based there is no paper involved – we get the money straightaway and you don’t have spend hours afterwards going round collecting all the sponsor money in! Take your pick from:

Virgin money giving

bmycharity bmycharity

justgiving justgiving

Want to get sponsored the paper based way? Download your sponsorship form

We're here to help

Call us or email us if you need some help. We can't promise very much but we will provide advice and support whenever we can. Call Issy Griffin on 020 7865 8236 or email fundraising.uk@greenpeace.org

Two parts of Greenpeace

There are two parts of Greenpeace in the UK:  Greenpeace Ltd is our campaigning arm which many know for our non-violent direct action and lobbying work.  We are not eligible to be a registered charity due to the nature of some of our campaigning activities.  Greenpeace Environmental Trust (charity registration number 284934) is our environmental research and education arm which investigates critical environmental issues to help stop environmental destruction and provide planet-friendly solutions. Greenpeace Ltd and Greenpeace Environmental Trust work effectively together because of the different remits of their work.

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