Router and WAN setup

Network security scanner

Introducing The Best Network Security Scanner

Are you worried about the security of your network? Do you want to make sure that your network is well-protected against cyber-attacks? Then, you need the best network security scanner that can scan your network for vulnerabilities and provide you with real-time reports.
A network security scanner is a tool that scans your network for potential security threats such as malware, viruses, and vulnerabilities. It also helps you identify vulnerable devices that can be exploited by cybercriminals.
One of the best network security scanners out there is the Nmap (Network Mapper). Nmap is a free and open-source tool that can scan networks and provide you with detailed information about every device on your network. It also has a powerful scripting engine that can be used to automate various tasks.
Another great network security scanner is Nessus. Nessus is a commercial tool that provides advanced scanning capabilities such as vulnerability scanning, patch management, and compliance checking. It can also integrate with other security tools and provide real-time alerts.
Both Nmap and Nessus are great tools for network security scanning. However, they require some technical expertise to use effectively. If you are looking for a more user-friendly network security scanner, then the SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager is a great option. It offers advanced scanning capabilities and real-time monitoring, but with a user-friendly interface that is easy to use for all levels of technical expertise.
In conclusion, network security scanning is critical to ensure the security of your network. With the best network security scanner, you can detect and prevent security threats before they cause any harm. So, choose the right network security scanner that fits your needs and keep your network safe and secure.

Router and Switch Troubleshooting

When it comes to network communication, routers and switches are two of the most important components. These devices help direct data traffic and enable the connectivity between devices on the network. However, when things go wrong, troubleshooting routers and switches can be a bit overwhelming. Here are some common issues and recommended steps to resolve them.
Slow Network Performance
When users experience slow network performance, it may be due to a problem with the router or the switch. Common reasons for slow network performance include incorrect network configuration, lack of bandwidth, or outdated hardware. To fix the problem, start by checking the network configuration and ensure that the correct settings are in place. You may also need to upgrade hardware if it is outdated.
Intermittent Connections
Intermittent connections can be frustrating for users and may be caused by a variety of issues. Check the physical connections between devices and ensure that they are secure. If connections between devices are intact, check the network configurations to ensure device settings are correct. You may also need to reboot the router or switch to resolve intermittent connection issues.
Device Not Connecting to the Network
When a device cannot connect to the network, first check the cable connected to the device and make sure it is working properly. If the cable is in good condition, check the device configuration to ensure that the device settings align with the network settings. Also, confirm that the device is compatible with the network.
In conclusion, competent troubleshooting skills are key to maintaining network connectivity. If you encounter issues with your router and switch performance, check the common issues discussed above for a quick fix. However, if the issue persists or seems outside of your technical abilities, seek assistance from a network specialist.

Router NAT settings

One of the most important settings on your router is the NAT setting. NAT stands for Network Address Translation and it is used to translate IP addresses from one network to another. This is important because most networks have a limited number of unique IP addresses available. When you connect to the internet, your router assigns your device a private IP address. When you send data to the internet, your router translates your private IP address into its public IP address before sending it out. When data comes back to your router, it re-translates it back to your device's private IP address.

There are three main NAT settings: NAT enabled, NAT disabled, and NAT limited. NAT enabled is the default setting and it allows all devices on your network to share the same public IP address. NAT disabled is not recommended because it exposes all the devices on your network to the internet, making them vulnerable to attacks. NAT limited is a compromise between the two. It allows some devices on your network to have their own public IP address while sharing the same public IP address with other devices.

It's important to note that different routers have different NAT settings and not all routers support all three settings. If you're not sure which setting to choose, consult your router's user manual or contact the manufacturer. Additionally, some applications or games might require you to modify your NAT settings in order to work properly. If you're having trouble with a specific application, check its documentation or support website for specific instructions on how to modify your NAT settings.

In summary, NAT settings are an important part of your router's configuration. They allow all devices on your network to share a single public IP address and protect your devices from potential attacks. Make sure you understand your router's NAT settings and choose the one that is right for your specific needs.

Router NAT settings

Router port mapping

Router Port Mapping: The Key to a Secure Network

As technology evolves, an increasing number of homes and businesses depend on the internet for daily operations. However, with access to the internet also comes the risk of unauthorized access to private networks, which can be dangerous and costly. This is where router port mapping comes in.
Router port mapping is a crucial feature that allows for the secure flow of traffic in a network. Essentially, it is the process of redirecting traffic from one IP address and port to another. This is done to increase security by hiding the devices connected to the network from unauthorized entities.
Mapping router ports is essential in preventing unauthorized access to a network, but it can also bring numerous other benefits. By reducing the number of open ports on a network, it prevents unwanted traffic on the network, thereby increasing speed and performance. When configured correctly, it also helps in load balancing, making sure that the connection is available to everyone without any interruptions.
Most routers come with a default configuration that may not be suitable for your needs. It is important to map the router ports according to the needs of the organization or individual. Port forwarding should be used carefully and only when necessary as it can expose devices to potential vulnerabilities.
In conclusion, router port mapping is a necessary step in ensuring the security and performance of a network. With the easy availability of various resources and guides online, individuals and businesses can follow best practices to configure their routers and keep their networks safe from malicious activity.

Router wireless configuration

Router Wireless Configuration

Wireless routers are devices that connect multiple devices to the internet without the need for cables. There is a range of router models in the market today; however, the process of setting up a wireless router is similar. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to configure your wireless router.
1. Connect your router to your computer:
The first step is to connect your router to your computer. Use a LAN cable to connect the router to your computer's Ethernet port. If your router is wireless, you can connect using Wi-Fi.
2. Open your router’s configuration page:
To access your router's configuration page, you need to open a web browser and type the router's IP address into the search bar. The IP address can be found in the router's manual or at the bottom of the router itself.
3. Input login details:
Enter your login details on the router's configuration page. If you have not set up any login details, you can use the default login details found in the router manual.
4. Configure the router:
Now that you are logged in, you can configure your router. Set up your wireless network by following the on-screen instructions. You can set a wireless password to ensure that only authorized users can access your network.
5. Test the network:
After configuring your wireless network, it's essential to run some tests to ensure that it's working correctly. Check to see if the devices can connect to the network and have internet access.
In conclusion, configuring a wireless router may seem daunting, but with the right tools, it's pretty easy. Follow the above steps, and you will have your wireless network up and running in no time.
Router wireless configuration

Router and bridge setup

Router and Bridge Setup

Setting up a router and bridge is crucial in creating a stable and secure network. A router serves as the gateway for internet traffic, while a bridge connects multiple devices together. Here's how to set it up properly:
1. Choose the right hardware: Select a router and bridge that are compatible with each other and your internet service provider. It's also essential to ensure they have the latest firmware updates.
2. Connect the router to the modem: Plug an ethernet cable into the modem's ethernet port and the router's WAN port. Make sure the router is turned on.
3. Configure the router: Use the router's login credentials to access its settings. Configure the router's internet connection type, set up wireless networking, and change the default password.
4. Set up the bridge: Plug one end of an ethernet cable into the bridge's LAN port and the other end into a device that needs an internet connection. Repeat this process for all devices you want to connect to the bridge.
5. Test the connection: Turn on all devices and test the connection. Make sure they are all connected and can access the internet.
By following these steps, you can create a secure network infrastructure that will provide reliable internet connectivity to all of your devices. Remember to update the firmware regularly and create strong passwords to prevent unauthorized access. With a properly set up router and bridge, you'll be able to enjoy smooth online experiences without any interruption.

Wireless network security

Wireless network security is a vital part of protecting your online privacy and sensitive information. With the rise of Wi-Fi, more and more people take advantage of the convenience of wireless connections, but this comes with its own set of risks. Hackers can easily attack wireless networks, steal data, or infect your devices with malware. That's why it's critical to understand how to secure your wireless network.

Use Strong Passwords

You should never use default usernames and passwords that come with your router. Hackers can easily guess them since most people never bother to change them. Instead, use strong passwords with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Make sure you change them regularly and never share them with anyone.

Enable Network Encryption

Encryption helps make your wireless network more secure. You should enable WPA2, which is the most secure encryption type currently available. Encryption scrambles your data so that it can't be read by anyone who doesn't have access to your network.

Disable Remote Management

Some routers allow remote management, which means you can configure them from outside your network. This feature poses a significant risk as a hacker could take control of your router remotely. That's why it's vital to disable remote management entirely.

Use a Guest Network

If your router supports it, create a separate guest network that's isolated from your primary network. This way, if a hacker gains access to your guest network, they won't be able to access any sensitive information on your primary network. Make sure to use a strong password for your guest network too.


By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of a security breach on your wireless network. While it's impossible to completely eliminate the risk, taking these steps will deter hackers and make your network a lot more secure.