April 22, 2022

The Burma army used Swedish made recoilless artillery shells to bomb the Karen National Army and their allies in recent fighting, reports Karen News, despite the munitions being prohibited.

In 2012 the Burma army used the same artillery in attacks against the Kachin Independent Army in Northern Burma – it is alleged the Swedish weapons were originally sold to India.

Burma Campaign UK called on the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson to call on Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to stop arms sales to the Burmese military.

“Modi supplies arms to the Burmese military knowing that they are likely to be used against civilians,” said Anna Roberts, Executive Director of Burma Campaign UK. “Boris Johnson must call on Modi to stop arming the Burmese military, and to stop deporting Rohingya refugees.”

Several Indian companies are on the ‘Dirty List’ published by Burma Campaign UK, including Tata Group, which has supplied vehicles to the Burmese military.

Read Karen News report

See BCUK’s statement

See BCUK’s Dirty List

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