March 12, 2021

Burma Campaign UK today welcomed an announcement by the Republic of Korea that it is imposing an embargo on military supplies to Burma.

The announcement means that 42 countries now have arms embargoes against Burma, leaving 150 UN member countries which do not.

Korea also announced it would not enter into any new military training or cooperation with the Burmese military.

Korea is the first country to announce a new arms embargo since the military coup on 1st February.

“This is a bold and significant move by Korea and a very welcome one,” said Anna Roberts, Executive Director of Burma Campaign UK. “With Russia and China using their UN Security Council veto power to block an UN mandated arms embargo, every country in the world should impose its own unilateral arms embargo. It is essential to stop weapons and technology reaching the military by direct or indirect routes.”

Burma Campaign UK is calling on the British government to work to build a global coalition of countries imposing arms embargoes. So far they have not acted on calls to do so.

The statement by the Republic of Korea is available here.

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