April 1, 2021

Burma Campaign UK today welcomed new British sanctions on the military conglomerate Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC).

The sanctions on MEC follow sanctions on the other major military business conglomerate Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd (MEHL) last week.

Burma Campaign UK has been campaigning for these type of sanctions for several years. The military has a wide range of companies operating in Burma, profits from which help fund their operations and the human rights violations they commit.

Burma Campaign UK is still seeking clarity from the British government on whether the sanctions cover the provision of services. 83% of British exports to Burma are services. Sanctions which do not cover services will not be effective in preventing British companies working with and for the military.

“It is essential the British government uses every point of leverage available to respond to the military coup and human rights violations taking place,” said Anna Roberts, Executive Director at Burma Campaign UK. “These new sanctions are another positive step by the British government. The British government now needs to take practical action building a global arms embargo and turning support for accountability into practical action.”

Burma Campaign UK is calling on the British government to take the following practical steps:

  • Write to all UN member states asking them to impose an arms embargo on Burma.
  • Publicly support referring Burma to the International Criminal Court.
  • Join the Rohingya genocide case at the International Court of Justice.
  • Secure a Resolution on Burma at the United Nations Security Council.

“Every opportunity for pressure on the military must be used,” said Anna Roberts. “Dominic Raab can and must do more.”

The announcement by UK government is here.

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