October 24, 2019

Burma Campaign UK today called on French energy giant EDF to pull out of the Shweli 3 dam project in Burma, and make a commitment not to become involved in dam projects in Burma’s conflict zones.

The Shweli 3 dam is in an area of Shan State which has been under the control of different ethnic armed organisations. Once work began on preparations for the dam, Burmese Army battalions moved into the area triggering conflict that forced hundreds to flee their homes.

Now the project is moving closer to development and construction, there are fears of more conflict and abuses.

The Ta’ang Students and Youth Union has stated: “The implementation of the Shweli 3 dam will threaten the lives of local people, prolong wars and jeopardise the peace process.”

Dozens of grassroots civil society organisations have called for a moratorium on dams and other major developments in ethnic states at the current time because of the link between large scale projects and conflict and human rights violations

Burma Campaign UK has already place EDF on the ‘Dirty List’ of international companies linked to Burma’s military or to human rights violations and/or environmental destruction in Burma. EDF has not responded to correspondence from Burma Campaign UK.

“EDF is ignoring the wishes of local people and going ahead with a dam that they know will fuel conflict and human rights violations,” said Mark Farmaner, Director of Burma Campaign UK. “EDF must make a commitment not to invest in dams in Burma’s conflict zones.”

Supporters can email EDF here and urge them to pull out of Shweli 3.

More information:

EDF entry on the ‘Dirty List’: /qurium/burmacampaign.org.uk/take-action.html/qurium/burmacampaign.org.uk/edf.html

Statement by Ta’ang Student and Youth Union: https://landmatrix.org/media/uploads/palaunglandorgengstatements2375-tsyu-demand-immediate-suspension-of-shweli-3-hydropower-projecthtml.pdf

Save the Namtu River – report by Shan Human Rights Foundation:

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