February 3, 2022

The UN special envoy to Myanmar, Noeleen Heyzer, has been widely rebuked for suggesting that pro-democracy activists should negotiate a power-sharing agreement with the country’s military, reports the Guardian.

Almost 250 civil society organisations including Burma Campaign UK published a statement condemning the comments, warning they risked emboldening the military to commit “grave crimes with total impunity”.

Zoya Phan, coordinator of the European Karen Network and campaigns manager for Burma Campaign UK, said Heyzer’s comments had been made on the same day the military launched more airstrikes against civilians in south-eastern Karen state, also known as Kayin state. “The Burmese military was in a power sharing with the NLD-led government before the coup. However, the attacks against ethnic people didn’t stop. With the Burmese military, our country will have no positive future.”

Read Guardian article

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