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UN envoy criticizes the government for dragging its feet in implementing the peace agreement

Mar 1, 2021(Nyamilepedia) — The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG), David Shearer has criticized the government citing reluctance in fully implementing the peace agreement. 

David Shearer (L), head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), and UNMISS's Human Rights Director, Eugene Nindorera address a news conference in Juba, South Sudan February 22, 2018. REUTERS/Jok Solomun
David Shearer (L), head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), and UNMISS’s Human Rights Director, Eugene Nindorera address a news conference in Juba, South Sudan February 22, 2018. REUTERS/Jok Solomun

Shearer expressed his dissatisfaction while presenting a report on the political, security, humanitarian, and progress towards the implementation of the UNMISS, to the United Nations Security Council last week.

“I remain concerned at the lack of momentum in meeting key benchmarks of the peace agreement, in particular the establishment of a reconstituted legislative assembly and transitional security arrangements,” said the Special Representative.

Shearer went ahead to point out that priority must be given to finalizing the overall security strategy to provide a comprehensive and coherent framework for decision-making. 

He also cautioned against political actors at the national level playing roles in aggravating the already fragile situation. 

He observed that there is increasing subnational violence in several parts of the country and the violence is acting as a breeding ground for human rights violations.

“I remain deeply troubled by reports of violence against humanitarian workers and call for unhindered and safe access to all United Nations operations to ensure essential support for those in need,” said UN’s top envoy in South Sudan.

Shearer insisted on the need for the government’s full commitment in providing full protection for its citizens in former UN civilian sites. 

In addition, the envoy observed that whereas there was progress in the government commitment to unify the armed forces and to graduate soldiers, it still wasn’t enough. 

“Those troops currently remain in cantonment sites and face dire living conditions. Until they are deployed, resources have to be made available to ensure that they have access to adequate shelter, healthcare, food and water,” he added.

The UN envoy who is also the head of the of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), was quick to remind the parties to adhere to the 35 percent affirmative action for women in the establishment of institutions.

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