Letters Opinion South Sudan

Letter to the people and the President of South Sudan, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit

By Dominic Gabriel Mogga Baba,


March 2, 2021(Nyamilepedia) — Fellow South Sudanese, we have been yearning and are still yearning for genuine and genuine and lasting peace to achieve in South Sudan, peace that will be based on the interest of the people of the country, not on the interest of selfish and corrupt, power hungry warmongers both in opposition and among Kiirs’s most trusted loyalists in goats skin.

As South Sudanese patriots, we should note that genuine and lasting peace will never prevail in South Sudan for the following reasons:

First and foremost, South Sudanese president, General Salva Kiir has trusted and still trusts his own betrayers who claim to be his loyalists yet they are rebels from within his camp. The so called loyalists are double dealers and power hungry, too ambitious to work under Kiir as they have evil plans which are aimed at dragging the country towards another war. Some of Kiirs ant-peace and anti-Kiir elements have arrested, detained and tortured opposition figures who voluntarily abandon rebellion against Kiir’s regime and return to the country for the sake of peace. They have always given opportunity for return back home to mostly the anti-peace elements within the opposition who are still anti-Kiir, anti-peace and still carry the “Kiir Must Go” slogan. They have denied peace makers access to the presidency and return to Juba for mobilization for peace and implementation of the peace agreement.

The exit of Kiir from power by natural death or forced death or through the use of force as it is being planned by selfish and power hungry politicians and Generals will also have negative impact on peace and stability in the country as every corrupt, selfish and power hungry bush war fighter and the power hungry and corrupt goat skinned loyalist will want to forcefully take the most senior position in the country, hence, causing wrangle for power among the politicians and the generals  which will definitely push the country to recurring wars.

It should be noted that parties to the peace agreement in the country also have reservations and the slow implementation of the peace deal is another evidence and it shows lack of will by the parties to the conflict to implement the peace agreement. Parties to the peace agreement have always had plan B which is the use of the gun to maintain their position and superiority.

I also wish to openly bring to the attention of the South Sudanese people that the opposition has a negative agenda of dragging the country back to war and for this reason, some have returned to the country, others in the bush while others stay in foreign countries opposing and mobilizing resources. As others returned to Juba, some Generals remained in the bush with the politicians doing resource mobilization in foreign countries.

Due to the need for peace to prevail in the country, I have written this message to inform the South Sudanese people that the initial plan of the opposition is that once the government resists and fails to respond to their demands The Juba team will wage war and remain inside Juba, the army in the outskirts of the city will advance towards Juba while the politicians will do the mobilization of resources.

Therefore my fellow citizens, our path to determining the future of South Sudan through democratic process is still not guaranteed until we choose peaceful means and dialogue to resolve our differences till Kiir ushers the country to a democratic process for the people to choose their president. The current peace agreement is not guaranteed as parties to the agreement still have reservations and the slow implementation of the peace agreement is a clear indication of lack of will.

I therefore call upon the people of South Sudan never to be lured by power hungry, anti-peace and anti-Kiir and corrupt mafias in Juba to participate in any war or mobilization for war as youth have always and will always be the first victims to any conflict in the country. The youth have been and are being used by politicians and generals to achieve their selfish interests. Upon being used by the generals and politicians for selfish interests, the youth have always been ignored and dumped by their leaders and they are not included in peace making processes, governance and their views have not been respected. The efforts of the youth are not recognized .I also call upon my fellow south Sudanese to make peace through dialogue rather than the use of guns. 

For the sake of peace in South Sudan, I have been a victim of illegal detention by South Sudanese anti-peace and anti-Kiir military intelligence officers without notice of His Excellency, General Salva Kiir, and President of the Republic of South Sudan. I wish to inform the people of South Sudan that many youth are suffering as military detention officers for returning to the country to genuinely participate in the implementation of peace, especially those who voluntarily abandon rebellion against the government and return home. On return, arrest and illegal detention by intelligence officers, detainees are warned not to go public. As for my case, I was warned never to move forward and address the issue to the president of the Republic of South Sudan. The ant-Kiir elements do not allow peace elements to shake hands with the president. Also I wish to request president Kiir to continue with the grassroots peace process through the chiefs and for grievances of the people to be addressed from the grassroots.


Fellow patriotic citizen

Dominic Gabriel Mogga Baba

Former H.E President Salva Kiir  appointed Police officer

South Sudan Police Service

Government of the Republic of South Sudan,

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