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Full List of government appointees for Eastern Equatoria State

Eastern Equatoria State Governor Louis Lobong Lojore meeting the First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny on Thursday October 08, 2020(Photo credit: Courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)
Eastern Equatoria State Governor Louis Lobong Lojore meeting the First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny on Thursday October 08, 2020(Photo credit: Courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

March 7, 2021(Nyamilepedia) —- The following are the lists of government appointees for Eastern Equatoria state government:

State Ministers

  1. Abadalla Albert Oting Ofuha – Minister of Cabinet Affairs – SSOA
  2. Peter Lokeng Lotole – Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement – SPLM-ITGoNU
  3. Marko Lokidor Lochapio – Minister of Peace Building – SPLM-IO
  4. Joseph Opio Wilson – Minister of Parliamentary and Legal Affairs – Umbrella-OPP
  5. Pastor Patrick Oting Cyprian – Minister of Information and Communication – SPLM-ITGoNU
  6. Stela Iromo Vitale – Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports – SPLM-ITGoNU
  7. Peter Lokuju Lotimoi –Minister of finance planning and investment – SPLM-ITGoNU
  8. Ruth Mario Vuga – Minister of Trade and Industry – SPLM-ITGoNU
  9. Placid Komakech – Minister Agriculture, Investment and Forestry – SPLM-IO
  10. Angela William Geri – Minister of Animal Resources, Fisheries and Tourism – SSOA
  11. Morris Merisia Kaunda – Minister of Cooperative and Rural Development – SPLM-ITGoNU
  12. Luka Charles Jan karlo – Minister of Housing, Land and Public Utility – SPLM-IO
  13. Gildo Abala Remi – Minister of Road and Bridges –SPLM-IO
  14. Ages Florence Odwar – Minister Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development – National Agenda-ITGoNU
  15. Patrick Lodinga –Minister of Health – SPLM-ITGoNU
  16. Lopeyok Sami Aperegole – Minister of General Education and Instruction – SPLM-IO
  17. Jennifer Mongorika – Minister of Gender, Child and Social Welfare – SPLM-ITGoNU

County Commissioners

  1. Andrew Philipson –Commissioner of Torit County – National Alliance-OPP
  2. Otto David Rabson- Commissioner of Magwi County – SPLM-ITGoNU
  3. Ukach Mangisto Ageri Waro- Commissioner of Lafon County– SPLM-ITGoNU
  4. Lokolong Jospeh Jersio – Commissioner of Ikwotos County – SPLM-IO
  5. Emmanuel Lolimo Ipone – Commissioner of Kapoeta North County – SPLM-ITGoNU
  6. Angelo Lominite Lotabomoi- Commissioner of Kapoeta South County – SSOA
  7. Abdullah Angelo Lokeno- Commissioner of Kapoeta East County – SPLM-IO
  8. Akelio Mbuya Peter Anyanga- Commissioner of Budi County – SPLM-ITGoNU


  1. Mathew Tombe Nehemiah –Advisor on Peace and Security – SSOA
  2. German Charles Ojok – Advisor on Economic Affairs -SPLM-ITGONU
  3. Siama Nartisio Malong – Advisor on Legal Affairs – National Agenda-ITGoNU
  4. Dr. Ciricio Louis Oromo –Advisor on Human Rights – SPLM-IO
  5. Abdallah Capelo Ameri – Advisor on Gender, Child and Social Welfare – SPLM-ITGoNU

Independent Commissions

a). Anti-corruption Commission

  1. Charles Aladin Omong – Chairperson anti-corruption commission – SSOA
  2. Peter Lokale Logieh – Deputy Chairperson anti-corruption commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  3. Omong John Okumu – Member anti-corruption commission – National Agenda-ITGoNU
  4. Ages Natabu John – Member anti-corruption commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  5. Nora Namonge Lokena – Member anti-corruption commission – SPLM-IO

b). Employees of Justice Chamber

  1. Grace Keji Jacob – Chairperson Employees of Justice Chamber – National Agenda-ITGoNU
  2. Marko Lochore Lomache – Deputy Chairperson Employees Justice Chamber – SPLM-IO
  3. Abdallah Babud Palio Lowie – Member Employees Justice Chamber – SPLM-ITGoNU
  4. Burus Ragaciano Oromo – Member Employees Justice Chamber – SPLM-ITGoNU
  5. Adehin Joseph Kamilo – Member Employees Justice Chamber – SSOA

c). HIV/AIDs Commission

  1. Peter Lokale Nakimogole – Chairperson of HIV/AIDs Commission – SPLM-IO
  2. Clement Otto – Deputy Chairperson of HIV/AIDs Commission – National Agenda-ITGoNU
  3. Emmanuel Loutuk – Member, HIV/AIDs Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  4. Bibiano Candido – Member, HIV/AIDs Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  5. Gisma Lolik Adam – Member, HIV/AIDs Commission – SSOA

d). Relief and Rehabilitation Commission

  1. Augustin Kanya Albert Okumu –Chairperson of Relief and Rehabilitation Commission – SPLM-IO
  2. Florence Akello John – Deputy Chairperson of Relief and Rehabilitation Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  3. John Kenyi Geri – Member, Relief and Rehabilitation Commission – National Agenda-TGoNU
  4. Lomana Lorot – Member, Relief and Rehabilitation Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  5. Iru Igofa Iru – Member, Relief and Rehabilitation Commission – SSOA

e). Human Rights Commission

  1. Betty Aya Obong – Chairperson of Human Right Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  2. Primo Hart Clestino – Deputy Chairperson of Human Right Commission – SSOA
  3. Emmanuel Justin Yanga – Member, Human Right Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  4. Antony Gore – Member, Human Right Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  5. Imoya Teddy Lopodo – Member, Human Right Commission- SPLM-IO

f). Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission

  1. Joseph Kabaka Atoyol – Chairperson of Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  2. Mathew Ujok Kidi – Deputy Chairperson of Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission – SPLM-IO
  3. Onek Peter Alber – Member, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission – National Agenda-ITGoNU
  4. Peter Lobei Todo – Member, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission – SPLM-ITGoNU
  5. John Lokarare Barnaba – Member, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission.

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