Latest Letters News Politics South Sudan

An Open Letter to President Salva Kiir to Appoint Mabek Lang Mading as Chief of Ruweng A.A.

In Favor of Miabek as Chief of Ruweng A.A.

To his Excellency the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit,

By Ruweng Intellectuals,

Hon. Mabek Lang Mading, former Commissioner of Ruweng County and former Deputy Governor of Unity State(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

Mar 3, 2021(Nyamilepedia) — First and foremost, Mr. President, we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for the leadership role you have played in our country, on the world stage, and in the continent of Africa. Mr. President, Ruweng communities remain greatly committed to your leadership in the government of South Sudan, from the civil war to after the independence of South Sudan from North Sudan in 2011. The Ruweng Administrative Area would not be without the vision of Dr. John Garang De Mabior, and the hard work of yourself, Mr. President, to make this vision a reality. Your Excellency, this is the first time in the history of South Sudan for both the Panaruu and Alor Dinka subtribes to see themselves in an administration of their own. The Ruweng community in South Sudan and around the world continue to thank your government for bestowing on us our independent leadership, for our peace-loving people in the Westbank of the Upper Nile.

As concerned citizens of Ruweng around the world, we are asking you Mr. President to appoint a strong leader like Miabek for the Ruweng A.A. Ruweng citizens from Pariang and Biemnom have endured extreme threats for so long, from our neighboring Nuer communities in the former Unity State. Miabek is a strong leader who is one of the people – he has served Ruweng County throughout the war as a Commissioner, and in 2013 as a Deputy Governor of the former Unity State. Miabek has many years of experience with politics in the area and is the right candidate to help resolve border disputes. Accusations that Miabek was responsible for losing Ruweng territory to the tribes of Taban Deng Gai are unfounded – since before Miabek was Commissioner of Ruweng County, Taban was already in power and had already begun annexing tribal land in Ruweng territory.

Mr. President, the appointed Ruweng leaders are not working for the interests of the Ruweng people. The current Ruweng leaders are working for the interests of Taban by letting militias and cattle raiders cross the Nile River. Taban is now mobilizing Nuer militias across the Nile River into the Ruweng territory Wanhdanluel/Munga, which he renamed Rukona. Every day, Nuer from Bentiu invade Panaruu and Alor territory to steal livestock. and to claim land not rightfully theirs to gain oil production profits. Many innocent Ruweng citizens are killed by these cattle raiders. Not once has Taban spoken out against the ongoing violence and thievery at the hands of these invaders.

The current Chief of the Ruweng A.A., Mr. William Chol Awanlith, is not performing his duties to prevent the deaths of citizens at the hands of invading cattle raiders from Nuer of Bentiu. Therefore, as concerned citizens in South Sudan and from the Ruweng diaspora, we ask you Mr. President to appoint Mr. Miabek Lang as Chief of the Ruweng A.A. We also ask you Mr. President to appoint our Ruweng son Mr. Theji De Guor as Police Commissioner in 2021. Mr. Guor is more than qualified, as he has already trained as a police officer and currently works in Ruweng A.A. in the Criminal Investigation Department. For your government to help restore insecurity in the area, Guor is the right man for the job at the right time in Ruweng.

Overall, we know that peace is the only recipe our country needs, and this will come through the cooperation from our South Sudanese communities both at home and in the diaspora. The Ruweng A.A. has endured many difficulties starting from 1991 to 2005, and again from 2013 to now. The people of Ruweng are a strong people, and they need strong leaders in 2021. Our people continue to stand with you and your government Mr. President, to help bring peace and unity among all citizens of this great nation of the Republic of South Sudan. The sons and daughters of the Ruweng community, both in the diaspora and back home in Pariang and in Biemnom, greatly appreciate your leadership role in the Republic of South Sudan. We wish for you and your governors, from the ten states and the three administrative areas, success in implementing the peace agreement signed between the government and the opposition leader Dr. Riek Machar.

Signatories in support of appointing Miabek Lang De Miading as Chief of Ruweng A.A.:

  1. Ngor Kur Mayol, U.S.A.
  2. Gen. Simon Tor Deng, Canada
  3. Akol Ngor Miarial, Kenya
  4. Wuorrial Miaker Mijok, Egypt 
  5. Marko M. Wal Kondit, Australia 
  6. George Mialou Chour, South Sudan
  7. John Miyar Chol, South Sudan
  8. Benjamin Monybany Yai, South Sudan
  9. Mijak Dongwei Koch Gamtong, Canada
  10. Lino Lang Nyok, U.S.A.
  11. Monyluak Miakol Guin, Canada
  12. Miagak Dau Kuol, Canada
  13. Stephen Nyok Miaker, U.S.A.
  14. Mijak Dengchar Ajang, South Sudan
  15. Andria Chol Mayol, South Sudan
  16. Kuol Ajuach De Beny, South Sudan
  17. Arop Lang Mayiik Arop, South Sudan
  18. Choch Mayiik Chol, South Sudan
  19. Miading Arop Chol, South Sudan
  20. John Mayiik Dudi, South Sudan
  21. Tou Wuor Chan, South Sudan
  22. Monyluak Deng Kur, U.S.A.
  23. Achuil Mijak Deng, South Sudan
  24. Miabek Jak De Deng, South Sudan
  25. William Nyok Jau Miabeek, South Sudan
  26. Emmanuel Monyjok Thonbil, U.S.A.
  27. Moses Mialou Miyen, U.S.A.
  28. Monyjiek Mijak Kiir, U.S.A.
  29. Samuel Miaker Ayom, U.S.A.
  30. Achai Miyar Chol, Kenya
  31. James Mialou Akot Koch, U.S.A.
  32. Bith Kiir Deng Mut, South Sudan 
  33. Biu Ajuach Mialek, South Sudan 
  34. Dau Monyluak De Dau, South Sudan
  35. Chuan Mijak Min, U.S.A.
  36. Muniir Cholcham Wurok, Australia
  37. Mijak Kiir Da Ador, U.S.A.
  38. Cholthii Miabok Kondit, Sudan
  39. David Akutjang Diing, South Sudan 
  40. Tolewut Michar Mijak, Australia 
  41. Mijok Dongwei De Akier, U.S.A.
  42. Nyok Dhuor Diing, South Sudan
  43. Mijok Mialek Muocdit, South Sudan
  44. Arop Chol Abur, South Sudan
  45. Chol Mayiik Mayol, Kenya
  46. Achuil Ngor Ayuel, Canada
  47. Akot Kiir Ayuel, Canada
  48. Kon Buong Tut, U.S.A.
  49. Kuel Beny Chollou, India
  50. Deng Athian Guor, South Sudan
  51. Kiirdiit Da Ajonga, Kenya

Thank You!

Sign to the publisher by:

  1. .Ngor Kur Mayol- Member of Ruweng community

Email to reach at ngorkur@gmail.com

Ph: 4046685733

2. Monyluak Miakol Guin-member of Ruweng Community 

Email to reach at miakolguin@hotmail.com

Ph: 306-881-8734

3. Miagak Dau Kuol-member of Ruweng community

Email to reach at kuoldit2009@gmail.com

Ph: 403-6079032

4. Gen. Simon Tor Deng -member of Ruweng community

Email to reach at dengdengt@gmail.com

Ph: 639-9984122

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