
Category : Economics

Breaking News Economics News

South Sudan loses control over Commercial Banks and the Black Market

Sep 12, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s Minister of Trade and Industry has informed the lawmakers that the Central Bank has lost control over the commercial...
Analyses Economics South Sudan

Analysis: Economic Blackout, South Sudan Economy in Tatters, what should be the quickest remedies in the shortest time possible?

By Juma Kenneth Guidio Ohisa, Sept 3, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — It is always important for every patient to be informed after diagnosed what his/her sickness is?...
Breaking News Economics News South Sudan

Ministry of Petroleum Releases Annual Report

Petroleum Report Provides Detailed Financial Information and Statistics from the South Sudan Oil Sector JUBA, South Sudan, February 21, 2020(Nyamilepedia) -—- The seventh Petroleum Report...
Breaking News Economics South Sudan

Breaking News: South Sudan Decides To Print Currency To Pay Public Servants

  June 24, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– Following months of strikes and yet risking more strikes from the army, police, wildlife and other public servants, South Sudan’s...