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Ex-speaker of the Council of State dies in Khartoum.

Khartoum, Sudan

November 1, 2021— South Sudan’s former speaker of the Council of States has died in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, after a short illness.

South Sudan’s Former Speaker of Council of the States, Late. Joseph Bol Chan(Photo Credit :Courtesy Image)

According to a relative, who identified himself as Johnny Saverio, the former speaker Joseph Bol Chan died yesterday at the age of 72 in Khartoum, Sudan.

The former speaker was flown to Khartoum to seek better medical treatment after a referral from Juba.

“Right Honorable Joseph Bol Chan, former Speaker of Council of States passed on yesterday in Khartoum, the Sudanese Capital,” Saverio confirmed to Eye Radio on Sunday.

Saverio said Chan was admitted at the intensive care unit but unfortunately the veteran politician passed on around 4:30 Am of heart-attack.

“He was sick from Wednesday, he was in the hospital intensive care unit. Yesterday, he had heart-attack and then he couldn’t make it. At around 4:30 God called him and he went to meet his Lord” he said.

Saverio stressed that his death has left a great vacuum in the country saying it’s a great loss not only to the family and Upper Nile State but also to South Sudan in general.

“We, as a family, are deeply sorry for that death. It is a great loss to the family and also a great loss to the people of Upper Nile and the people of South Sudan.”Saverio added.

The late Bol Chan was born in 1949 in Lol village in Fashoda County, Upper Nile state. He held numerous portfolios in both Sudan and South Sudan including but not limited to the first position of speaker of the Council of State in the Independent Republic of South Sudan.

Late Joseph Bol Chan is survived by nine sons and unspecified number of daughters and grandchildren.

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