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Juba man to serve decade-long jail term for defilement.

Juba, South Sudan

May 29, 2022—The Gender-Based Violence Court in Juba has sentenced another young man to 10-year imprisonment for defiling a 16-year old school girl last year.

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22-year-old, Peter Laku Warnyamg sexually abused the minor on 12th of February 2021 at Juba Nabari residential area.

According to Judge Francis Amum Awin, the accused was living in the same compound with the un identified survivor who is six year younger than him.

Laku reportedly invited her to his room before defiling her.

Upon realizing the absence of their daughter, the teen’s family stormed Laku’s room before discovering her in hiding behind a curtain.

On Thursday, Laku, upon indictment confessed to the sexual violence accusations, but denied any use of force against young girl.

The convict Laku told the deaf ears of the court, that he wanted to marry young girl in line with his customary law that permits child marriage.

In a court sentence seen by Nyamilepedia, the presiding Judge, Francis Amum says Child marriage is prohibited by the statutory laws.

He argued that the transitional constitution is the supreme law of the land and overrides the customary law.

Amum read the verdict at the Gender Based Violence (GBV) Court in Juba, on Thursday.

“The convict is sentenced to 10 years imprisonment to be served from 12/Feb/2021. The convict must pay to the survivor tune 500,000 SSP, as reparation through a civil proceeding,” reads the court sentence.

Laku is now found guilty of defilement according to section 247 of South Sudan Penal act of 2008.

The convict has the right to appeal within 15 days, before joining over a hundred convicts already languishing in Juba Prison.

“The convict is advised that he has a right to enjoy an automatic right of appeal against both conviction and sentence within 15 days.Judgment delivered, sealed in an open court of law, and dated today 26/May/2022,” says the court.

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