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Letter of Condemnation regarding the Series of violations of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement Signed between the Twic and Ngok Dinka on April 4th, 2022, in Aweil- Northern Bahr El Ghazal State

TO H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan,

By Twic Mayardit Community in Diaspora (Australia, Canada, Europe, and the USA)

Your Excellency:

Aneet Peace Committee under the leadership of Vice President Hussein Abdelbaghi and other leaders(Photo credit: courtesy image)

May 15, 2022 — Twic Mayardit Community in Diaspora is saddened by the attack on Twic County’s villages on May 8th and May 9th, 2022, by joined forces of the Abyei Mission, the United Nations Interim Security Forces for Abyei (UNISFA), and South Sudan People Defense (SSPDF) commanded by Brig. Gen. Makal Kuol Deng.  

The attack has claimed the lives of innocent civilians and destroyed properties as villages were burned to ashes.  We strongly condemn this attack upon Twic County’s villages on May 8th and 9th, as well as the series of violations that preceded it.   

Since the signing of the Twic and Ngok Dinka Cessation of Hostilities Agreement in Aweil, the Twic Mayardit Community in Diaspora has closely monitored the agreement, advising the Twic Community at home to honor its terms and conditions, as well seek for a final, and peaceful solution to the conflict. 

Unfortunately, the Abyei Special Administration, Abyei Mission, Abyei Youth Armed Forces (Gelweng), and the UNISFA violated the agreement from its inception.   

On the 3rd of April 2022, one day before signing the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement with Ngok Dinka, Tong Deng Anyuon-Aweng Payam, and Kiir Goch Deng Kiir from Akoc Payam were murdered inside Abyei town. Soon after, on the 5th of April, Mawien Majok Riak from Turalei Payam was killed in Abyei. Then, on Friday, April 8th, 2022, another member of Twic Mayardit called Atem Liai disappeared in Abyei. There was also an alleged case of sexual assault from Aneet Market reported, and two people were denied the right to obtain their personal belongings in Abathok.  

Soon after, on the 13th of April, Ador Chol Ador from Pannyok Payam was killed in Aneet Market, and five days before the May 8th and 9th attacks, Abyei Youths Armed Forces (Gelweng) killed three people in Mading-Jokthiang. Also at that time, Abyei Mission Brigade, the UNISFA, Abyei Youth Armed Forces, and Brig. Gen. Makal Kuol Deng of the SSPDF attacked Athoony, Nyalou, and Malual Aleu of Twic county of Warrap state. The attack resulted in the loss of lives, as well as villages being burnt to ashes.  These reported incidents go against the terms of the signed cease-fire agreement 

Your Excellency, the Twic Community in the Diaspora is alarmed by this series of attacks that have clearly violated the agreement.  The UNISFA, Abyei Mission, and Abyei Youths Armed Forces have not simply violated the Twic-Ngok Dinka Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, signed on April 4th, 2022, in Aweil, but also have violated the international border specifications of January 1st, 1956, between South Sudan and Sudan.  

Furthermore, the UNISFA, Abyei Mission, and Abyei Youths Armed Forces also violated the UNISFA’s mandate in its provision (2) which states that the UNISFA mandate is to “monitor and verify the redeployment of armed forces from Abyei Area in accordance with the June 20, 2011, Agreement” as it was established by the United Nations Security Council Resolution No: 1990 of June 20th, 2011.  That is to say that the UNISFA’s mandate should be confined within the boundary of Abyei territory and not to cross the boundary of the Republic of South Sudan of 1956.  The encroachment of the Abyei Box’s Map inside the territory of the Republic of South Sudan is what has given the UNISFA, Abyei Mission, and Abyei Youth Armed Forces (Militia) license to attack and slaughter the Twic Mayardit Community. 

Your Excellency, the Twic Community would like to see this conflict addressed immediately to avoid an unnecessary war, loss of lives, properties, displacement, and human suffering.  

Hence, we request your prestigious intuitions in asking Abyei politicians, Abyei Special Administrative, and the UNISFA to leave the Twic areas and move back to the north of Kiir River.  Secondly, we ask that Brig.  Gen. Makal Kuol Deng be replaced and held accountable for attacking Twic County. Thirdly, we ask the South Sudan government to address territorial violations by foreign forces of Abyei and the UNISFA.  The Abyei Mission and the UNISFA forces are violating the international boundary by crossing the Kiir River as a physical boundary to attack Twic county.  According to Sudan’s boundaries agreement of January 1st, 1956, the physical boundary between Twic and Dinka Ngok is the Kiir River.  It is the responsibility of the National government to protect its boundaries.  Therefore, we ask the government of South Sudan to address the territorial dispute between Twic and Ngok communities.  

Sincerely yours, 

Signed by the following members on the behalf of Twic Mayardit Community in Diaspora:  

NO. (#)   Full Names   Title   Country of Resident   Telephone #   Email address   Signature by saying Endorsed  
1   Morris Kuol Yoll   Chairperson of  





Alberta, Canada   403-830-9278   Myoll2002@yahoo.com   Endorsed  
2.   Ring Marol, Chairman    Chairman of  


Community in  



Ontario, Canada   519-819-0448     Endorsed  
3   Ayir Kuot Maluk   Chairman of  


Community in  



Alberta, Canada   403-988-8533   ayirstem@gmail.com   Endorsed  
4   James Mathon Atem   Chairman of  


Community in  



Manitoba, Canada   204-952-1639   mathonbungbeek@yahoo.com   Endorsed  
5   Achuil Giir   Acting  

Chairman of  Twic-Mayardit  Community of 



Ontario, Canada   602-348-2650   Jima-05@hotmail.com   Endorsed  


6   Mr. Chol Ring Bol   Chairman of  

Twic-Mayardit Community in the USA,  Member  

Arizona, USA   480-519-5616     Endorsed  
7   Lawyer. Riak Atem Lok   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-618-0933   riakalok020@gmail.com   Endorsed  
8   Lawyer. Bol Paul Yach Nyuol   Member   Sydney, Australia   614-518-56382   Post2bol@hotmail.com   Endorsed  
9   Martino Atem Kunjok   Former Deputy chairperson of  


Authority,  Warrap State- South Sudan.,  



Saskatchewan, Canada   306-209-8664   matemkunjok@yahoo.com   Endorsed  


Joseph Majak Tuok   Former  

Commissioner of Twic county, and Minister of Information of 

Defunct Twic  

State, Member  

Arizona, USA   928-350-0557   tuokmajak@yahoo.com   Endorsed  
11   Makuach Ajiing, Chol   Member   Arizona, USA   602-900-2163   Mchol1@yahoo.com   Endorsed  
12   Kiir Akol   Former   Chairman of  Twic-Mayatrdit Community in  the USA,  


Arizon, USA   804-308-6493     Endorsed  
13   Deng Mayiik Atem   Former  

Chairman of  


Community in  

USA, Member  

Arizona, USA   602-348-2650   azdinkaarbicl@gmail.com   Endorsed  
14   Makieu Ngeu   Former,  

Chairman of 

Ajak Kuac, Australia,  


Melbourne, Australia   614-346-4436   Makieu13@outlook.com   Endorsed  
15   Ring Akier Kuot   Member   Ontario, Canada   613-407-7937   wanglathcad@gmail.com   Endorsed  
16   Yac Mabior Tiel   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-561-2721   Simonyac196@gmail.com   Endorsed  
17   Williams Mawien   Member   Alberta, Canada   587-892-4975   Dengwilliam79@yahoo.com   Endorsed  
18   Mawiir Ajang Tong   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-605-1849   mawiirtong@gmail.com   Endorsed  
19   Angelina Ajok Atem   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-619-7154     Endorsed  
20   Mabior Madut Chol   Member   Melbourne, Australia   041-175-1836     Endorsed  
21   Albino Kon Nyuol   Member   British Columbia,  Canada   778-779-2577   nyuolson@gmail.com   Endorsed  
22   Peter Ajang Mathok   Member   Manitoba, Canada   204-229-1746   ajangmathok@yahoo.com   Endorsed  
23   Guch Akoi Teeng   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-464-1559     Endorsed  
24   Andrew Ring Juk   Member   Ontario, Canada   613-879-8870   Andrew.chom1@gmail.com   Endorsed  
25   Chol Makuc   Member   Alberta, Canasa   403-305-3360   Mchol4962@gmail.com   Endorsed  
26   Atem Malou Deng   Member   Alberta, Canda   403-903-3447   atemmalou@gmail.com   Endorsed  
27   Jokrial Machar   Member   Alberta, Canada   780-977-7991   Wmachar722@mynorquest.ca   Endorsed  
28   Deng Akier Kuot   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-793-1676     Endorsed  
29   Myaom Noon   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-714-1611     Endorsed  
30   Ring Dau   Member   Alberta, Canada   403-402-448     Endorsed  
34   Rose Abang Kuot   Acting  

Representative of TwicMayardit  Diaspora  

Community in  



Norway, Erurope   316-840-58231   rabangkout@yahoo.com   Endorsed  
35 Regina Nyakiir Akot Member Saskatchewan, Canada   +1306-551-4086 regina.akok@gmail.com Endorsed
36 Bol Aot Akok Member Saskatchewan, Canada   +1306-552-3791 bol5.wa@gmail.com Endorsed
37 Mapiu Marial Lok Member Alberta, Canada +1403-604-4538 mapiumdeng@yahoo.ca Endorsed
38 Yom Atem  Member Des Moines, Iowa, USA +15157458124 atemgeer@yahoo.com Endorsed
39 William Dhol Ring Aguek Member Phoenix, Arizona- USA +1623-703-5798 Williamring18@gmail.com Endorsed


  1. H.E. Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, The First Vice president of the Republic of South Sudan  
  2. H.E. Dr. Wani Iga, Second Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan  
  3. H.E. Hussain Abdulbagai Ayei Akol Vic President and Investigation Committee Chairman  
  4. H.E. Taban Deng Gai, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan  
  5. H.E. Madam Nyadeng Garang deMabior, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan  
  6. H.E. Gen. Aleu Ayieny, Governor of Warrap State  
  7. Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba, Speaker of the National Legislative Assembly (RSS)  
  8. Hon. Charles Majak Aleer, Member of Parliament  
  9. Hon. Nyadeng Malek, Member of Parliament  
  10. Gen. Akol Koor Kuch National Security Service ( RSS)  
  11. Hon. Tut Kew, Presential Security Advisor (RSS)  
  12. Hon. Peter Lam Both, Acting Secretary-General of the SPLM  
  13. Hon.Bona Malual Madut Ring, Twic-Mayardit Community Elder  
  14. Hon. Melanie Joly, Canada Minister of Foreign Affairs
  15. Hon. Anthony Blinken, Secretary of the State of the United States of America
  16. Hon. Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia
  17. Hon. Asma Mohamed Abdalla, Minister of Foreign Affair of Sudan
  18. Hon. Demeke Mekonnen, Ethiopia Minister of Foreign Affairs
  19. Hon.Christian Bader, European Union (EU) Ambassador to South Sudan
  20. Hon. Antonio Guterrs, Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN)
  21. Hon. Nicholas Hyson, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
  22. Maj. Gen.Benjamin Olufemi Sawyer, Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander, United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA)
  23. Hon. Yasmin Sooka, Chair of the Human Rights Commission in South Sudan
  24. Hon. Ambassador, Dr. Ismail Wais, The intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa Special Envoy for South Sudan
  25. Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO)
  26. South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA)
  27. United South Sudan African Party (USSAP) 28. United South Sudan Party (USSP)
  28. United Democratic Salvation Front (UDSF)
  29. Sudan African National Union (SANU)
  30. Hon. Onyoti Adigo Nyikwec-Democratic Change (DC)

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