Contributor's Mak Banguot Opinion

Opinion: Dr Riek Machar should seek for asylum or else how will he maintain his vice presidency for life with Kitgwang at the corner?”

By Mak Banguot Gok (Makjohnson),

Dr. Riek Machar Teny inaugurating the Peacebuilding Forum in Juba on July 15, 2021(Photo credit: courtesy image)
Dr. Riek Machar Teny inaugurating the Peacebuilding Forum in Juba on July 15, 2021(Photo credit: courtesy image)

Oct 15, 2021 — After Dr Riek Machar ousted by the SPLM-IO movement’s political and military leadership and substituted with Gen Simon Gatwech Dual, it’s most likely that, he (Machar) will not hunt for anymore a continuation of his revolutionary maneuvers against the Dinka-led political entrenchments nor proceed on demanding Salva Kiir’s genocidal reign of anything, including the basic political reforms that almost all people of South Sudan yearning for. 

Dr. Machar’s sureness of losing an entire support of his political teammates, Dr. Macharis on familiar terms with the gone astray more than whoever might still be at the bottom of his controversial leadership over the SPLM/A-IO. He know that, the only his last chance was what loosed once he poorly premeditated and returned back to Juba whilst disobeyed both an internal and external advices from experts and well-wishers about the risk of blindly unquestioning adversary and handle even a personal security to him. The option to capitulate to the same enemy has led to Dr Riek Machar’s fading sway. To maintain the same political status, a coup will cost him all his energy only to never regain the attention of the same people and supporters as once he has misused.

Under Dr Riek Machar’s leadership, hopes have been shattered and therefore the movement nearly collapsed only to be remedied with the emergency of the Kitgwang Declaration. Now, the bulk of the movement’s followers have turned to Kitgwang for the reorganization of revolutionary struggle this time without Dr. Riek Machar. The new SPLM-IO movement will be free of monopolistic and nepotistic conduct unlike the movement’s previous undemocratic one-man leadership. With almost everyone having understood the very interests of Dr Riek Machar’s always failed political projects as something that only end up enriching himself and his relatives, it’s easy to project the widespread desertion of Dr. Riek Machar’s tedious political endeavor as the beginning of his total ending. Those who have already abandoned Machar’s political camp and switched to Kitgwang are most welcomed and regarded as the best and compatriots. 

This time, we have all the reasons to believe that, the work of impressing people to abandoned Riek Machar’s claims leadership over the SPLM/A-IO after officially deposed and replaced by the movement’s Revolutionary Leadership is not any longer hard these days. Meanwhile, without even marshaling people to joint Kitgwang, they are by themselves making a decision and will continue deciding to dispose of him. This is because; it comes to be an undisputed fact that, everybody felt perturbed of Dr Riek Machar’s unsuccessful and wear and tear revolutionary journey. There are so many others reasons associated with the decision to discarded Dr Riek Machar that we can’t get space to mentions here as we all know even before mentioning Machar’s failed revolutionary attempts. Therefore, there are no difficulties when it comes to informing even the very common people on the grassroots about the urgency of need for parting Riek Machar and joint General Gatwech Dual.Choosing Kitgwang is a noble idea for noble cause during this very difficult time of the SPLM-IO movement.

Not to talks of the previous defection and masses allegiance to Kitgwang by many others Nuer community and fellows South Sudanese, no one can ever heated discussion over the fact that, we are optimistic about the looming allegiances by many others South Sudanese communities leading to the leaving aside of Dr. Riek Machar and continues the struggle with news and courageous revolutionary personalities (Simon and Johnson).

For the meantime, the ongoing  massive perfection/defection being staging by bulks of the SPLM/A-IO supporters from Dr Riek Machar’s political camp to the Kitgwang, it’s clearly marking the commencement of Dr Riek Machar’s monopolistic and failed reign after several decades over the Nuer people coming to its miserable end. He might only seek for inferior maintenance whilst spending the rest of his life if possible. Question of changing the Jiang-led genocidal political system is out of Dr Riek Machar’s agenda. The remaining political status of Dr Riek Machar is to be decided by him choosing only one of the two options (either maintain his Vice Presidency for life, or seek political asylum). There are only a few certainties in front of Dr. Riek Machar as a result of his abortive revolutionary endeavor unfavorably leaving him in dismay.

With these realities, Machar may choose to float the Kitgwang Declaration in optimism of mystifying the Dinka-led government and uphold him in that humiliating status coup as their partner. As usual as an opportunistic politician of South Sudan, Dr Riek Machar might play dirty political activists so that he maintains his Vice Presidency for life. And, if choose the later, still having Kitgwang at the corner, there wouldn’t be a possibility of appeasing the Dinka-led government the same as they (Jiang) did with Taban Deng Gai. 

Nite: The Jiang insists on formula that they have once and still using with Taban Deng Gai on Riek Machar in look forward to neutralize the SPLM/A-IO and to lose an objective focus on how to revolutionize the decayed political system in Juba.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The author can be reached through his email at johnsonmak61@gmail.com

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