Contributor's Mak Banguot Opinion

Opinion: The So-Called Jonglei State Elders are Corrupt and Deserve a State-Wide Condemnation!

By Mak Banguot Gok (Makjohnson),

Deputy Governor of Jonglei State, Antipas Nyok Kucha holding meeting with Chiefs in Bor, Jonglei State(Photo credit: courtesy image)
Deputy Governor of Jonglei State, Antipas Nyok Kucha holding meeting with Chiefs in Bor, Jonglei State(Photo credit: courtesy image)

Feb 10, 2022 — Astonishingly, we are hearing the latest news of a violent protest from Jonglei State capitol Bor. It was today morning the 9th of February, 2022 that, an assorted groups of a politically incited Dinka-bor purported in a civilian’s disguise and, who are the dwellers of Bor town, have busted to the streets. The protest wasn’t representing the State ‘communities nor did it make any serious effect on the State government’s normal execution of its mandated roles. 

More importantly, due to the fact that, a said protest has been mounted by such as brainwashed tribal community, its mood of organization, the method that they have used during the staging of their violent protest against the sitting Jonglei State government, plus many others unmentioned here, the matter has becomes clearer as a move which  left bulks of people in Jonglei State, and indeed, the whole country caught in a suspicious mood of the secret behind the Dinka-bor led move against the sitting State government. 

That perpetuated disturbance was initiated and prompted over the alleged deduction of monthly social service allowances. And, such an agenda supposedly meant for the whole employed workforce in the State and not only an employee held from Dinka-bor. What happened today when a mob of hundreds of criminals forced their way into the Governor’s residence and caused uncertainty to the Governor’s security was only a satisfying factor. It displayed the hidden agenda and precisely made that claim by the Dinka-bor a tribally inspired and, therefore  unrealistic given the whole political and economic situation of the country.

What is the Dinka-bor community out of the National society which is undergoing through serious socio-political hardships to hold responsible an individual State government of the failure to satisfy its peoples ‘needs? The public servants in all the States are going from side to side in similar socio-political anguish. All the classified and unclassified public services employees in the whole country have been serving without their daily food and/or monthly salaries payments and/or non payment for nearly half a decade. Why not demonstrate in Warrap, in Rumbek, in Torit, in Malakal, and vice versa?? And, yet the gear goes on without even an indoor gripping either in Juba or other States.

And, whence the masses keep silent and only watch  whilst the dirtiest games are being played by the dirtiest political opportunists, it does not entail the fact that, because people don’t feel the pain of providing services to the government without reward. All are suffering and, only that, others with the exception of Dinka-bor are certain of the country’s socio-political decline, plus patriotism. Value is what has guided other citizens of South Sudan to the point that, none of the civil servants from other States have ever blamed individuals at any of the government level whence the whole machinery of the country’s political system have failed to deliver.  

For the Jonglei State security dilemmas that has been started very long time ago, and, due to all the years back ‘unfinished business of an intercommunal fighting, the blame is to sound unrealistic whence anyone and/or a group of people intended to labeling the young Governor as the one who failed whilst he is really making a series of miracles. And, that we only need to appreciate and support his great endeavor.

If there had to be someone correctly fit as the grandfather of the Jonglei State‘s security turmoil, all the former Dinka-bor-led governments, including the only Dinka-bor ‘godfather Kuol Manyang would have been held account for the initiations and advancement thereafter of the current security failure of Jonglei State. If the matter were to related to whoever have done what in regards to the above stressed socio-political turn down, and to begin with the first Governor of Jonglei State after the CPA _ Philip Thon Leek followed by Kuol Manyang, it would be nakedly lucid of the dust that, unlike the current Jonglei State Governor Hon Denay Jock Chagor,  none of the above have succeeded once no matter how appropriate was their political seasons and resources to encountered such security impasses. If we were to talk about individual Governors  ‘failure or success,  the truth wouldn’t be hidden and, the pole shall remain unchallenged showing young Governor Denay Jock Chagor the only Governor who has been showing tremendous changes of the deadly existing status quo. 

What is special for only the Dinka-bor County population that prompted only the Dinka-bor County population without reservation to blame the Governor for such a nationally systemic failure? Why not the same civil service employees such as, in Juba and from other States are not being invited to hold responsible anyone of the money problems in Juba and/or in their States? 

For any reasonable persons to check out for the real cause of today’s Dinka-bor protest in Jonglei State capitol Bor, there are no other impressive reasons and questions as to, “why only Dinka-bor County population staged protest? “That can educate individuals of the fact in regards to the past and present entrenching tribalized political demagogue accustomed by the Dinka-bor. Dinka-bor tribalized gripe against the prevailing Jonglei state government and, particularly, the hatred of the sitting Jonglei State Governor_Hon. Denay Jock Chagor was real and the origin of these  political incitements. Baselessly and without properly being strategized, the havoc of the same hate strategy was expressed in the form of violent protest by Dinka-bor civilians. They have been ethnically mobilized and wrongly extorted by their tribal members of the political community to do so! 

Today’s violent demonstration in Jonglei State capitol was not democratically recognizable for its being tribalized and politically characterized. Therefore, it should be treated as such by everyone who may have come through the noise on social media talks. No other dissatisfied members of the Jonglei State’s none-Dinka community joined the protest. Even the language that was used by the protesters for chanting slogans, such as “Lok Ku Thin” that literally interprets in the Dinka language as “let’s go into”, was a tribal tittle-tattle. All the slogans, posters and the chanting noise deployed during the violent protest by Dinka-bor have been showing that it was a violent protest organized by a specific tribal community out of the State population. 

Above all, and without going back to the real past history of the Jonglei State, none would even dispute the fact that Dinka-bor has never felt well-matched with the leadership of a none-Dinka over Jonglei State since the inception of South Sudan. They see themselves as being permanently anointed to lead without knowledge that, it was partly because of the sitting government of SalvaKiir which has been in favor of the Dinka expansionism and therefore repeatedly appoints Bor a governor of Jonglei State.

There were no reasons whatsoever for only the Dinka-bor County population out of the State’s ten (10) Counties to always spearhead unnecessary criticism and complaints against the current Jonglei State Governor.  Dinka-bor has one problem with the political alteration that took place for the first time in the history of Jonglei State since Salva Kiir’s. The fact that,  Parties to the Agreement came in with an alteration purpose, the Revitalize Transitional Government of the National Unity ‘formation dictated Salva Kiir’s reliance on tribal favoritism and preferential politics of his own tribesmen or political allies first.  Therefore, it becomes normal for the Dinka-bor of Jonglei State to blame everything, including the last season ‘devastated plague on the Governor.     

We the people of Jonglei State knew that there has been a strong conspiracy against the state government because the Governor this time is not from Dinka-Bor, but other ethnic communities in the State. And, that conspiracy has been instigated by old faced politicians who want to interrupt the structural changes that a young governor is accomplishing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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