Contributor's Latest Opinion Yom Deng Bul

Opinion: There is no justification for Evil Acts, shooting at bishops in their residence in Bor was uncalled for!

The recent shooting at Bishops in Mading on January 22, 2022 was politically motivated.

By Yom Deng Bull

Archbishop Akurdid Ngong Akurdid the outgoing archbishop who gives conditions for his retirement(Photo credit: supplied)
Archbishop Akurdid Ngong Akurdid the outgoing archbishop who gives conditions for his retirement(Photo credit: supplied)

Feb 02, 2022 — At midnight of January 23rd, 2022, the Murlei’s tribal militias launched an attack on Baidit’s flood victims. This incident occurred after the Gok Youth’s foiled attack on Jonglei State’s Bishops on January 22nd, 2022, the night before the brutal attacks on Baidit, Athooch. These bandit criminals are suspected to be Murlei youth. They had killed dozens of youths, women, children and it is believed the attackers have abducted some children and dozens of heads of cattle. This kind of pernicious act is very heartbreaking to our Jonglei Citizens. It’s a satanic act and this organized crime should be condemned. My question has always been, why would other South Sudanese citizens think of attacking the struggling families? I mean those who are suffering and dying in the hands of criminals are those trying to survive the wild flooding, other natural disasters and including the world’s deadly corona-Virus. The Baidit’s recent attack which left dozens of civilians dead and many others with severe injuries; however, is linked to some politicians in Juba. This incident is not other than the government’s warfare based in J-1 to set up communities against each other while the dictatorial regime continues to sustain itself in power.  I’m just wondering why another man’s death is being turned into a commercial activity. I say so because I saw how both the Jonglei government’s officials and South Sudan delegates focused on speculating and viewing the landscape during their visits to Baidit and saying nothing about the affected families of Baidit families and victims of recent attacks.  This was a deadly attack and failed leaders are using it for a political lobby instead of them coming out publicly to condemn this satanic act at a wider range. 

I’m Appealing to the Bor County’s Intellectuals, politicians, religious, Tradition, Community and the Youth leaders to restore stability in the Bor Community. The above leaders shouldn’t rely much on condemning the Murlei attackers but should watch out for other surprise attacks on IDPS in any part of Greater Jonglei State and Central Equatoria.

The ongoing crisis began with the Bor Community planned Secret Convention meeting held in Thony’s historical small area called Malual Chaat. It’s located at a distance of a few miles from Jonglei State’s capital, located in the South of Mading Town. There were numerous secret meetings which were held in Bor-town, Jonglei State’s Capital City. This protest convention meeting was given attention by the non-Dinka Bor folks. There were few folks, I mean to say, those speakers of truth had warned on the looming dispute confrontation between Athooch-Gok youths over the Jonglei Internal Province Archbishop position and nobody had taken time to listen.The government of South Sudan turned a deaf ear to this convention meeting and until it materialized in a heavy attack on Christians pro-Anur Ayom and Pro-Reuben Akurdid Ngong and civilians in Mading Town. I feel like, the the only Time People of Jonglei Will see Peace is when these Masterminded of all chaos, called Hon. Michael Makuei and Kuol Manyang exited South Sudan Parliament, J-1. These two folks have been abusing national powers in Juba, South Sudan. The South Sudan Government must intervene and Act so fast. Doing so should include dismissing Makuach Payam, Bor County South’s MP. This is because he is racist and extremist, Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, the South Sudan Minister of Information is abusing South Sudan National service and his position. He dictates the system, Michael Makuei is all over South Sudan’s decisions and acts like he is the head of state or someone who is a policymaker and controls South Sudan’s Parliament. 

This kind of behavior should be stopped in Jonglei State. The Defrocked Reuben Akurdid Ngong Akurdid must stop spreading conspiracies, theories of hate and destruction. Why try to kill another person if you believe you are right? The government should immediately intervene and gets arrest those behind the attempts murder of Three Bishops in Jonglei State’s Capital City. These People like Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, Jok Riak, Reuben Akurdid, Gai Manyok and Deng Akeer, Majur Achol, should not be roaming around the streets of Jonglei and Juba and when they had incited the Christians. There is no justification for evil acts. The attempted murder and spoiled shooting at Bishops in their residences on the night January 22nd. 2022 in Mading-Town was an incredibly evil act and the political motives. This incident is so unfortunate, and should be condemned by both Jonglei local authorities. The South Sudan’s government still has the sole responsibility to protect all people and their properties. The former Defrocked Archbishop of Jonglei State, Reuben Akurdid Ngong Akurdid and his team must be interrogated and held responsible for the damages caused by the above mentioned an attacked and an ongoing criminal operation which are taking place in Jonglei in the absence of State police and authorities based on Buor’s politicians based in Juba request. I couldn’t imagine that he had gone that low to the point of ordering the killing of three Bishops. It’s not even a surprise to many of us because his persistence and the fact that he is hinging on an unexisting Archbishop position and even after he was officially defrocked by the ECSS Arch-Bishop made him a prime suspect and he must explain himself in South Sudan’s Court of laws. 

The ECSS defrocked Jonglei internal province’s former Bishop who turned out to be a renegade and ordered Gok Youths to storm a compound the night day before an attack in Bairdit, Bor South County, Jonglei State. The credible source had said, the three (3) Bishops were sleeping in the Guest House when the surprise attacks occurred. Thanks to God, all the Bishops and their team are okay. The Jonglei State is soon to be turned into a free criminal jungle and used for an evil operation. Oh Yeah, or otherwise, unless they stop appointing lawless leaders into power like Nyok Kucha, The Jonglei State Deputy Governor who seized powers from the appointed governor Denay.  Mr. Nyok Kucha has been abusing Nuer, Dinka Twic, Dinka Hol, and Dinka Nyarweng and Such tribal motivated leaders like Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth and Reuben Akurdid don’t deserve to be trusted with powers. These are a bunch of unethical and individual people, and imagine people like Former Jonglei Province Archbishop defrocked Reuben Akurdid Ngong Akurdid! 


The Bor South County citizens’s Dec 27, 2022 & Dec 28, 2022 Conventional Meetings’s un-reveals Agendas includes: (1) Assimilation of Greater Jonglei’s Subsections of Dinkas includes Twic, Nyarweng, Hol Dinka Subsections. The mentioned about the already assimilated Thony Dinka into Dinka Bor begam decade ago since during the 1912 and finally achieved in 2008 with Mr. Kuol Manyang became the governor of Jonglei State, (2) the Former Jonglei State’s Defrocked ArchBishop Reuben Akurdid’s rebellion is no longer a Church matter. This is because the Gok section of Bor South County, (Mr. Akurdid’s) section wants to maintain the position illegally using frauds. Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth had illegally created for Bor South County a fake nine counties during the Post illegally South Sudan’s created 32 States and this is what’s behind Bor South citizens causing chaos because they don’t buy into South Sudan’s CPA constituted Ten States. (3), Bor Convention was the Confirmation of Dinka Bor’s hidden Rebellion against Dictator Salva Kiir Mayar Thiik, (4) Late Gen. Jongroor Deng Jongroor’s Coffin removed from graveside in Juba for the purpose of protest purposes. He was killed along Jonglei State-Mangala road in an ambush during the post December 2013 in an ethnic fight between warrap crooks and the Nuer Tribe’s White Army. The former SPLM/A Commander Jongroor’s skeletons were used for political protest and mobilization of Bor South County youths. They openly threaten South Sudan dictator Salva Kiir Mayar Thiik that their son was killed while in the action process of fighting the tribal agenda in order to protect dictator Salva Kiir’s Dictatorial regime leadership based in J-1, Juba-South Sudan.  

To me, it’s doesn’t sound funny anymore, it’s seeming like Buor citizens are beginning to regrets their foolish believes that, their political friendship motives to abuses national powers thinking dictator Kiir Mayar trusted them and their ally will remained permanent was a delusional thought and a nightmare dream, (5) Michael and Gok Team of religious who rebelled against the Church with South Sudan politics is ridiculous craziest. Akurdid took arms against the non-believers, Bor Community fell for his scams and fraud agenda of wanting to dominate the Jonglei State’s government. For God sake, a single county against the Nine other populated countries. This criminal act of using the Word of God for fraud is unacceptable. These are a bunch of beasts and dangerous Dorgan, (6) the Rebellion has been backed up so badly in South Sudan. The Citizens are squeezed to the point they see no other option left for them to make a living other than to rebels. This agenda for Gok to gain powers at the national government and continues to exploits Greater Jonglei State’s biggest tribes and other majority Dinka subsections communities will never yield fruits, (7) Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth misleading Gokism and Dinka Bor assimilation will cause their region a huge problem. Michael, too, wants his Constituency to re-electing him back to MP position in the next South Sudan’s election in 2023 and while he will continue to control powers at both State and national government. 

Why can’t the defrocked Reuben Akurdid leave the church affairs and rebel like other South Sudanese leaders who have been killing poor people along the highways in the name of trying to re-secure a position in a South Sudan government?  These are the names of the January 22, 2022, the Bor Town Church leaders and church Attackers.  They were believed to have been sent by the Defrocked former Jonglei State province Archbishop, Rev. Akurdid Ngong. The ringleader for January 22, 2022 failed assassination against Anur Ayom , the elected Jonglei State Internal Province Arch-Bishop Anur Ayom and plotted brutal murder of Manyok Biar, Thuch Agoth and many more bishops was a organzied crime plotted by Chuei-keer’s son. His name is Mr. Ven. Jacob Ngong Alier. The three Bishops were deliberately and purposely sent to Bor Town by Michael Makuei to get harm and these three Bishops survived death narrowly. The Attackers Ringleader ‘s name: Ven. Jacob Ngong Alier and renegade of the Attackers include Deng Aker and Gai Manyok (renamed as Tiet-Miotpen). 

Makuach Payam, Bor South County, The Minister of Information, Mr. Micheal Makuei Lueth’s Constituency members remained a prime’s suspects too including Akurdid Ngong Akurdid. 



  1. Achiek Agau majok
  2. Kuch Duany
  3. Bol Duany
  4. 4.Chol Malony


  1. Jok Kon Ajith
  2. Ayuen Deng 


  1. Ateny Machol 
  2. Alang Magot Kuch
  3. Majak Nyok Majak
  4. Deng Akeer 




  1. Jacob Ngong Alier 

Justice must prevail in Jonglei State Church attacking and killings, and should the government fail to hold Akurdid, Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, Gai Manyok, Deng Akeer responsible, then there are much worse scenarios of chaos to be witnessed across the region of Jonglei State. Their underground armed militia group is the one who are responsible and they must be held accountable for the death toll and injuries. Church leaders’ attackers must be brought to book and made to answer for all the crimes they have been committing since 2011 onward. 


I personally condemn Buor leaders for not doing enough to stop the violence since this matter began years ago. Those of Mzee. Abel Wal Kwai, renamed as (Abel Alier Kwai), Gen. Kuol Manyang, Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, Gen. Jok Riak, Gen. Biar Kuol Ayuel, Maker Chol Adol, MP Dr. Malek Alier, and himself the former Jonglei Internal Province who got defrocked, Reuben Akurdid Ngong Akurdid. Why can’t they reconcile their youths and give them the right political differences and views of Pan Bor so that they can unite the grass roots people. This agenda of nepotism, assimilation and hate will never yield fruits. The above-mentioned Buor’s Politicians’ associated themselves with their online Buor youth who preached hate and propagandists on large scales. They have been and still contribute 80% of unrest in Greater Jonglei State. This evil group of individuals being secretly hired by both the South Sudan dictatorial regime and Buor leaders are tasked with making up lies and spreading the deadly negative lies across social media to mobilize the ground youths to resort to violence. Their Job is to misinformation and mischief in order for them to mislead the public through their 24/7 live video shows. The Buor grassroot Mafias’ group continues with their looting and killings agenda. I know many of these online haters are being paid money to defame trash and tarnish most target individual people. They have been creating unexisting lies to confuse South Sudanese online citizens and the public at large. They have been involved in creating insecurity in Jonglei State.  I’m on high alert of their negative impacts on our communities. I deeply condemn such evil acts and Christians deserve to be safe in the churches they pray. This attitude of politicizing and polarization of the word of God is unacceptable, it’s brutal, an evil act and inhumane to even attack Jonglei State’s Bishops in their residence at midnight. This particular attack was said to have left some Bishops with severely Injuries and it’s disrespectful. What I want to say is that, there is no justification for an evil act and the people of Jonglei and South Sudanese at large cannot condone such a barbaric act. What had happened in Mading-town was cruel and it’s a Satanic deed. I’m warning the Goklei section of Bor South County plus those Buorlei criminals of South County under the umbrella of Greater Bor militia along with their underground undercover church unknown gunmen to stop causing death and confusion in the region. Those who barks online 24/7 in the name of supporting Defrocked Bishop Akurdid Ngong should back down. The dangerous full time Buor Facebook Propagandists is Fake Rev. Abraham Mabior Mayom who is based in Sousfall, South Dakota, U.S.A. He preaches hate, violence, lies and propaganda. Abraham Mabior Mayom has been insulting Twic Dinka Politicians and the whole community for more than 15 years. He is now taking advantage of innocent communities because of free access to Stream-Yards and he can run the live videos for Eight hours a day since he is using the church money and abusing his Rev.Pastor’s powers. Him plus other Buor ‘s racists and extremists who have been publishing Fake books on Youtube, Google and many illegal websites are becoming too much and they must stop as well. 

They should end all these immediately and back-down these unhealthy smear campaigns, promotion of cyber bullying, hate crime, hate speech and unsuccessful assimilation.  This form of hate-crime is deadly. They have been preaching of violence back home in the name of supporting South Sudan’s dictatorial regime and Defrocked Reuben Akurdid Ngong.  I’m also appealing to both the Jonglei’s State’s local Authorities and the government of South Sudan based in J-1, Juba, South Sudan to act quickly. This hostility must end and should be stamped out. The ongoing child abduction, random attacking of business owners, civilians is nothing other than warfare. Those responsible should be held accountable. Those atrocities profiters politicians who have been helping the Murlei Militias to use wild attacks and killing of struggling families in Jonglei State should be investigated. The Jonglei State’s government must take lead and in Collaboration with Church leaders to reach dialogue. This must end this Church dispute over Jonglei Internal province’s Arch-Bishop position. This Conflict has been going on for more than 30 years since Former retired Nathaniel Garang Anyieth was in Charge of the Jonglei State ECSS Affairs. Two years ago, His Grace. Dr. Justice Badi Arama had defrocked Reuben Akurdid Ngong and it’s supposed to remain as the church matter. The Jonglei State Internal Province’s defrocked Archbishop should have dealt with his matter separately without him inviting the Dinka Bor community and tradition leaders into his Defrocked case. The concerned authorities too, should stamp out such a criminal operation in Jonglei State’s capital. The ten counties of Jongei State want peace. The only ways for concern authorities to Restore Human dignity, Peace and Stability in Greater Jonglei State, Reuben Akurdid Ngong must be remove from Greater Jonglei and hold responsible for the death and looming ongoing murdering of some individual youths in the churches in Bor-town. The Buor’s Online propagandists’ negative attributes is difficult, they have been fueling violence on the ground for more than ten years. The trashing of the entire Twic Dinka, Nuer and other South Sudanese tribes by Buor online propagandists must stop. They should stop dragging into their own personal mess others peace loving communities in Jonglei State. For example, those communities like Twic East and Dukeen communities etc. This matter is specifically meant for Dinka Bor (Bor South County). They had politicized and a pure Nepotism and hate between Athook-Gok and they are fighting in a Church which is not the right place. What’s happening right now is purely a political motive and power wrangling. 


Yom Deng Bul is a Human Right and Political Activist based in New York(Photo credit: supplied)
Yom Deng Bul is a Human Right and Political Activist based in New York(Photo credit: supplied)

 MY Name is HRH. Yom Deng Bul, I’m an influential leader and a Committed Children and Women’s Rights Activist.   I am a motivational public Speaker and a South Sudanese Human Rights Violations, Conflict Analyst who has been Researching on South Sudan War Atrocities and ongoing gross Violations of Human Rights in the Republic of South Sudan. I’m a former South Sudan Minister of Justice Director of Public Affairs, Founder & former Chief Executive Director of Achut Foundation (A.F). I’m the Founder and the former CEO of Ayual Super Power Girls “Nyan Pakou Ku Dollar” Global Association (ASPGA). I was born amid Sudan’s prolonged post Second Civil war which was fought between the SPLA/M, the political Party led by South Sudan’s Founding Father, late Dr. John Garang De Mabior and the NCP Party under dictator Omar Al Bashiir with Islamic coalitions based then in Northern Sudan then, is now Republic of Sudan.I’m currently working per Time as the Background Actress with CENTRAL CASTING BASED IN MANHATTAN, NYC, U.S.A. CO-FOUNDING MEMBER OF UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION. I had voluntarily worked as a Board member of University of Nairobi International Students Association from 2014-2017. The Former President of South Sudanese Students Association at the University of Nairobi, from (2013-2015).

 EDUCATION: In progress Master of Arts in Diplomacy. I’m Majoring in Diplomacy, International relations from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nairobi. I was supposed to graduate on December 4th, 2019 an Academic year, but I unfortunately am not in Kenya. I was Invited over to the U.S. by Trinity College in Connecticut midst April 2018, Spring Season. I hold talks, (Speaking Engagement project) In Few Colleges, Universities and have attended numerous Human rights talks and I attended Youth Summits at the UN in Manhattan, New York City, U.S in June 2018. I had Submitted my Immigration Application to the U.S government and approved. I got my papers and became part of the New Yorkers community and I’m so thankful to the U.S government for considering my protection and safety. I’m counting my blessings.  I Holds a Postgraduate Diploma, an Equivalent to (Associate Master Degree). It’s an Associate Master of Arts in Armed Conflict and Peace Studies. It majored in Human Rights Laws, International Relations, Conflict and Peace Studies, it’s from the Department of History and Archeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Nairobi (U.O.N). My Third Degrees, I obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations, Majored in International Laws, International Security, Evolution of Modern History & Diplomacy, Mass Media and Communication, International Environmental protection and Humanitarians and Human rights laws from College of Humanities and Social Sciences, all are from the University of Nairobi. 

SOUTH SUDAN EMBASSY IN KENYA: I had worked with South Sudan Mission in Kenya. This Internship gave me an idea on how International relations can shape both the domestic policies of member States and the International system. In every state interaction, I understood very well how diplomatic relationships contribute to the operation of the Sub Regional, International political setting Organizations. I was luckiest to get the opportunity and know how they negatively impact the UN and its settings. I was able to put the skills and the knowledge I acquired to use toward an enhanced perspective into the field. In 2009, In my position of former Director of Public Affairs. I had Served in the Ministry of Justice, known as the former Legal Affairs Constitutional Development, as Director Public Affairs. This broadened my skills because I work as the bridge between ministry and her Partners Ministries. A few years down the line, I had wished to stay and continue to help in the Nation Building operation in South Sudan, but I was forced out of the country because pressure became harder. 

NORWEGIAN PEOPLE’s AID (NPA): My first Job in 2006 was mainly in the remote area of Duk Chut, in my Hometown of Wangulei, my ancestral parental Home and an inhabitant of Ayual-mathondit, Twic East County in Jonglei State, South Sudan with the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA). I was hired ate the age–16 -year, a teenager as Deputy Finance. I was promoted in three months as Outreach Agent and Community Peace Mobilizer Officer, I had enjoyed interaction with farmers. I served the communities from different tribes across South Sudan. The stakeholders were Famers, Communities leaders, women and Youth programs that used an artistic approach to address body progression and seasonal changes, where women and the youth acquired modern Agricultural skills in farming. I made awareness of the importance of food Security, good nutrition to address issues of Chronic poverty, Starvation and Health disease. I made an impact on HIV/AIDS awareness and reduced the stigmas stage around HIV/AIDS victims and bullying it came with when tested positive of the virus. I carried out and made Education awareness for children while using my own personal influence of my own life story to motivate parents using my education as a tool. I had trained thousands of community leaders in 11 Counties in Jonglei plus under my leadership skills and knowledge. This was evidence of the importance of girls’ children’s education. This boosted up enrollment of the Girls children population in Twic East and many States in South Sudan around 2006-2013 and beyond. This awareness had bridged the gaps of an inequality between boys’ and girls’ children enrolment in primary and Secondaries schools in a remote area of South Sudan. 

SOUTH SUDAN MINES ACTIONS AUTHORITY COMMISSION:  In 2006-2009, I was appointed as a Director of Administration and Finance with South Sudan’s Mines Action Authority/Commission (SSMAA) in Juba, South Sudan. The Commission was tasked by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed by Sudan warring parties in 2005 to deal with the extraction of the Land Mines. 

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