Contributor's Dak Buoth Latest Opinion

Statement on Meeting South Sudan Vice President, Taban Deng Gai in Nairobi  

By Dak Buoth Riek-Gaak,

June 17, 2022 — On 9th June, 2022, South Sudan Vice President, General Taban Deng Gai was in the capital Mogadishu, where he went to represent President General Salva Kiir Mayardit at the ‘historic swearing-in ceremony’ of the new and former Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. 

Dak Buoth Riek-Gaak meeting Taban Deng Gai, Vice President for Infrastructure Cluster(Photo credit: supplied)

On returning back from this friendly African country, he made a stop-over in Nairobi Kenya. 

While in Nairobi, he created an ample time to receive greetings and hear issues from South Sudanese community leaders and representatives from various regions across South Sudan.

On 12th June, 2022, I got an opportunity and held a meeting with him too, in my capacity as the Chairman of the Liech Community Association in Kenya. 

In our lengthy and candid discussion, I first conveyed to him the greetings of his community Members residing in Kenya. 

Second, I applauded him for his relentless efforts in fast-tracking the infrastructure developments in the country, for example the recently launched historic freedom bridge.  

Third, I shared with him our gratitude to him and the entire presidency, on the gradual peace implementation process, a case in point is the long awaited graduation of the South Sudan unified forces which is expected soon. 

Fourth, I presented to him some of the enormous challenges facing the Liech community Association in Kenya, particularly on our leadership transition hurdle that requires funding. 

And fifth, I strongly urged his Excellency General Taban Deng Gai, to pay a visit to the flood ravaged state of Unity prior to the expiry of his tenure, and that of the Transitional Period, a concern which forced him to node his head repeatedly before jotting it down in bold. 

On his part, his Excellency said among other things, that the ongoing Kenyan election campaign is very interesting, and hence, he encouraged the South Sudanese community members, to learn from this democratic exercise with a view to return home and make our country politics mature and interesting in future. 

Further, his Excellency also said he felt honor by seeing the huge attendance that went to greet him and share their perspectives. 

Finally, he encourages each and every individual South Sudanese community member, to stay and remain focused, peaceful and optimistic in the country’s transformative agenda. 

Signed by;

Dak Buoth Riek-Gaak, 

Chairman, Liech Community Association in Kenya

Kisii, Kenya 

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