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Tonj South county Commissioner suspended for taking law into his own hand.

Warrap State, South Sudan

June 1, 2022 — South Sudan’s Warrap State governor has lifted the immunity of Tonj South Commissioner and suspended him for allegedly shooting and injuring one of his civilians.

Tonj South county Commissioner Agor Malang Agor (Photo Credit :courtesy image)

The incident reportedly occurred last Friday according to the state spokesperson.

In a statement extended to Nyamilepedia, Ring Deng Ring the state information minister says the victim, John Lemon has been transferred to Juba for medical treatment.

Deng said the suspension decision is to enable the law enforcement agents to investigate the matter.

He confirmed the order to lift commissioner Agor Malang Agor immunity this morning.

“This situation happened on Friday where the commissioner of Tonj South County Hon Agor Malang Agor was accused of being involved in shooting,” state spokesman Deng said in a statement obtained by Nyamilepedia.

According to State spokesman, the victim was taken to Juba for medical treatment where he is admitted in hospital and now is a bit okay,

“The governor of Warrap state took the step to lift the immunity of the commissioner in order for him to go for investigation.”, he added.

Several attempts to contact Tonj South commissioner for a comment were not immediately successful and Nyamilepedia could not independently verify the accuracy of the claim.

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