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WHO confirms new variants, Delta and Omicron, in South Sudan, government imposes partial lock down.

Juba, South Sudan

December 26,2021—South Sudan’s government has imposed a partial lock down in the country amid rise of new virus cases, some of which attributed to the new variants.

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South Sudan Vice President and chairperson of coronavirus taskforce Hussein Abdel Baggi Ayii (Photo credit: SSBC)

The partial lockd-own comes after the new variants identified as Delta and Omicron were discovered by the World Health Organization(WHO) in Soutth Sudan.

In a statement seen by Nyamilepedia, the vice president of Service Cluster,  Hon. Hussein Abdulbagi, who is the head of COVID-19 Task Force says the lock down came into effect on 21st of December 2021 and it will remain in place until sometimes next year.

“With the emergence of the new variants (Delta and Omicron) and the recent increased in number of positive cases in the country coupled with the announcement of the fourth wave by World Health Organization (WHO)”, vice president Hussein explained in a statement.

” The National Task force on Coronavirus pandemic is hereby issuing the Public Order No. 16/2021 dated 21st December 2021 to effect the partial lock down measures, which will remain in force until 10th of January 2022″,he added in a statement.

According to the Vice President Abdelbaghi, the new measures are put in place to reduce the spread of the virus and warns the public to stop receiving dead bodies in large numbers at the airport, adding that death receptions and burial should not be attended by more than 20 immediate relatives.

“In view of the above, the National Task force is hereby once again putting in place the necessary measures to prevent widespread of COVID-19 across country.

“Warning the public to stop receiving dead bodies in numbers at the airport, receptions and burials should only be attended by not more than twenty immediate relatives”, the statement added.

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Gol Bol December 26, 2021 at 2:52 pm

“WHO confirms new variants, Delta and Omicron, in South Sudan, government imposes partial lock down”
Who really confirm, Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? Abesh(so-called ethiopian) prostitutes piece of shit?. Yeah, say again these pieces shits are out sisterly people? Did evils find out the msytery disease in Panjak? If not, then very careful, no we way wcan live sides by sides, with Abesh (so-called ethiopia) , not again. if it very hard for us, then we will yellow-cake their with the matsres, Rasosns, pure HATRED and RACISM. Our Gambella region been to South Sudan. We we are desperates for war with these vermins.parasites/viruses.. If the South Sudanese who want the vermins/parasites/viruses in villages. Then they franlky Soutth Sudanese people. And those South Sudanese people will be allowed to live Abeshas (so-callled ethiopians) prosititutes vermins/parasites/viruse. No South Sudanese would to live with in their backyards.

South Sudanese have food than piece of trashes. You go to Juba, every piece in morning, would and eat Injera, and then go and play cards and complain about *mismanagment of resources, corruptions, Salva from A to Z, so-called jiengs councin of elders and et al

And every South Sudanese cook very good food, probably than Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes. And it always come back. Some South Sudanese always want other work for them, while they are anything.

why don’t roll over and our give our country back Arab or give it to UN and NGOs to come and cooiking food for us. South Sudanese the only country in Africa cosndiered to in dired need humitarian aid.Kenya, Kenya that has over 40 million people doesn’t anything, no food. Abesh (so-called ethiopia) doesn’t has anything nearly 100 million pieces of trashes. North Sudan has almost millions people and they have anything. South and the Sudanese resources are what vermins.parisites/viruses breed their babies. But these, things are rosy as the evils think.

They can look for a place to probalbly hel is not a bad idea for them. Tong (war) is here. There are people don’t cons’t anything, Abeshas prostitutes, Kenyans, I studied at Nakuru High school, after I badly in the Battle of Kapoeta, in 2002. Masaais were were not to study at their school. Some went there were bullied by then iNdians and white people, the Indians were called ‘the indented” they slaves, but considered supperior than masaai and Nandis/Kalenjins. Idon’t thinkNandis/Kalenjins indented the Indians. Indians are piece of rubbishes. I am too far.

So long as, white Americans, white English people, their Bantuses, Abeshas prostitutes, our cloned so-called Arabs od North Sudan, the evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, their gulf terrorists and financiers, their UN UNMISS is removed from, then we will just live every other country but I care. WW3 is going here in South Sudan and we are going to our enemies ‘TO NEAR EXTINCTION’ reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. People challenge us, don’t exist. The Nile is not controlled by lives, but by ther owners. The Muonyjjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt.

We are very racists than white people. Europeans and Amercians have been challenged. They are not our equals>>>

Gol Bol December 27, 2021 at 8:25 pm

“WHO confirms new variants, Delta and Omicron, in South Sudan, government imposes partial lock down”

Low lives, next be very very careful. Delta what DELTA? is not here in South Sudan. OMicron? Oh yeah? Look for a place to hide with your Delta and Omicron. Is not here in South Sudan. HIV and AIDS are not here in ‘South Sudan’. We know how to contol virsues. HIV and AIDs was ‘tested on Bantuses in Congo in 1950th-2002, by the US, their UK and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs. HIV and AIDs went and spread into Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostutute, South Africa, Malawi, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Botswana, they took to New York to African Americans and Gay, lesbian communities in New York. WashingtoN DC. Washington is African-american country by the way. But the evils wanted destroyed them.

HIV and AIDs is almost destroyed Uganda, Kenya and those countries. Ijust mentioned above, but here in South Sudan, HIV and AIDs is negligible. We know how to control these vermins/parssites/viruses. They are not our equals, never have and will will and will never ever again will under the sun or even in millin years. Reasosn. pure HATRED and RACISM.

South Africa—–Omicron, there is notthing called Omicron—-Afrench piece, Emanual Macron, being *pun played of words, the his secret handlers He was brough Rwanda by his secet societies handlers, South Africa and ‘Magreb (French West) and Gulf Arabs states terror exporters and financiers. And that though they are anyone, here in Nilotic plains and valleys Fashoda incident I don’t what piece of sewers think, they really are? Brexit, the devil infested island of England, have caught with their pant down, and thus they are they throw tantrum or would want catch any straw, but every straw agter straw just snap on the evils. And the vermins/parassites/viruses just *ran back to South Sudan and the South Sudanese people, *UN AGENDA 21, AGENDA 30, UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERMENTS, GOVERNMENTWITHOUT, DONATIONS, PEACEKEEPING, HUMANITARAIAN aids, HUMAN RIGHTS, SO-CALLED WESTERN CIVILIZATION Mays the evils god help them.>>>


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