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Leader of South Sudanese communist party dies after short illness.

Juba, South Sudan

October 3, 2021—The Chairman of South Sudan’s communist party and a member of the Reconstituted National Legislative Assembly, Ismail Sulaiman Saed passed away on Thursday 30th of September 2021 in Juba after a short illness.

Leader of South Sudan’s communist party and a member of Reconstituted National Legislative Assembly, Late. Ismail Sulaiman Saeed (Photo Credit :Supplied photo)

The vetaran politician died at private hospital in Juba at the age of 84.

According to confirmed sources from his family members, Sulaiman died of malaria and typhoid.

“.. He was having malaria and typhoid and he took the treatments, we tried to send him to Khartoum for a further checkup but because of this complication of aviation,” his nephew Yousef confirmed.

Yousef said that late. Sulaiman was admitted to freedom hospital in Juba where he died at 10 pm.

“We decided to admit him to freedom hospital here in the Commercial residential area in Juba on Thursday, he was in ICU and he died at around 10 pm.”, he added.

In accordance with Islamic culture, late. Hon Ismail Sulaiman was buried today on Friday morning.

Sulaiman was representing Central Equatoria at the reconstituted transitional parliament on the ticket of the Other Political Parties, OPP.

He was the Secretary General of the Sudanese Communist Party in Juba until he became a member of the Central Committee in Khartoum during the Liberation struggle.

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