
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Tributes: Saluting our fallen heroes and heroines on the 37th anniversary of 16th May

4 min read
Arok Thon arok

Arok Thon Arok

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, May 16, 2020 (PW) — Let me take this opportunity to thank and salute our fallen heroes and heroines on the historic day of 16th May 1983.

It marked the 37th Anniversary of the start of the second revolution which led to the birth of our Independent country.

I salute Major William Nyuon Bany, Major Kerubino Kuany, Bany, Capt David Riek Machuoc and Sergeant Yusif Kiir Tang who shot the first bullet on this day.

It is because of their ultimate sacrifices and blood that cemented the foundation of our our nation.

I owe a debt of thanks and salutations to our iconic and charismatic leader, the Late Col Dr John Garang de Mabior Atem, Lt Col ( PSC) Francis Ngor, Capt Salva Kiir Mayardit ( the incumbent President), Maker Deng Malow( Jet fighter), Garang Akok, Mama Rebecca and Chigai Atem Biar.

It is also important to remember and thank the Pokeda group namely ,Capt David Atali which also included Oyai Deng Ajak among others and also Lokurnyang Lado, Pagan Amum and Nyachigak Nyachiluk who were in Boma at the time as members of South Sudan Liberation Movement.

We cannot also forget to thank the Bilpam group led by Gordon Koang Chuol Kulang, Vincent Kuany Latjor,James Bol Kur, Gatluak Doamach , Gabriel Gatwech Chan( Tanginye) and Paul Matip Nhial Nyak.

I also thank the Kur Mayom group led by Samuel Gai Tut Kulang and Kuot Atem dè Mayen. 

I would also like to remind us that the war against the Arab oppressive regimes to liberate ourselves  did not start in 1983. This seems to be defeating some people who choose to be politically shortsighted or who have the ill-intentions to confuse the real history.

In fact, Southerners started their revolution in 1955 in Torit by the forces led by General Tafeng and assisted by Fr. Saturnino Lohure, Uncle Joseph Oduho among others. 

I thank and congratulate our brave local Chiefs who attended the Juba 1947 Roundtable Conference held at Rejaf where they asked that the Southerners be allowed to determine their future but turned down by the rulers in connivance with the colonialists. It did not stop there.The struggle continued.

I thank the Southern Front Party prominent members namely, Clement Mboro, Abel Alier, Bona Malwal, Hilary Paul Logali, Natale Olwak, Luigi Adwok, Lubari Ramba, Othwonh Bwogo, Joshua Dei Wal, Thomas Kume, Henry Bagho, Peter Gatkuoth,etc, who tabled the right of self- determination at the Roundtable Conference in Khartoum in March 1965. 

Finally, I thank the Nasir Faction in the persons of Commander Dr Riek Machar, Commander Dr Lam Akol Ajawin and Commander Gordon Koang Chuol to mention but a few for re-tabling the right of self-determination in Frankfurt in 1992 in a meeting between Commander Dr Lam Akol and Dr Al Ali Al haj on the 26th January.

This is where it was clearly spelt out that Southerners would vote in a referendum after a transitional period to decide their political destiny.

It is worth mentioning that it was adopted in the Declaration of Principles( DoPs) in Nairobi in 1993. It was the first time for the Late Chairman to accept it as one of the options in case the unity of the whole Sudan does not see the light. I congratulate the millions who fell during the war in one way or another.

Last but not the least, I thank the ordinary and resilient citizens of South Sudan now let down by those who had the chance to live and lead this country. 

The author, Pal Chol Nyan, is a Graduate from the College of Radiological Medical Sciences from Sudan University of Sciences and Technology. He also holds a Diploma in Teaching Methodology and a Diploma in General Medical Sciences. He was a red army soldier, a former Primary school teacher, currently serving as a General Medical Practitioner in Juba Teaching Hospital in Juba, South Sudan. He is a columnist with local newspapers in Juba/South Sudan and contributes in many websites about social, security and economic. You can reach him via his email:

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