
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

SPLM-IO: Salva Kiir’s Regime is Arming Yau Yau to Kill Civilians in Uror County, Jonglei State

5 min read

Brig. General, William Gatjiath Deng, SPLA (IO) Military Spokesman, Monday, 18/05/2020, GHQs/South Sudan.

Press Statement: For immediate release

When the war is launch on innocents in the pretext of tribal communal, the nation disintegrates. The Nuer population is…

Posted by Miyong Kuon on Sunday, May 17, 2020

Monday, May 18, 2020 (PW) —– The Office of the Military Spokesman for Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition SPLA (IO) is here to inform the people of South Sudan, IGAD and the wider International Community at large that the negative forces loyal to renegade General David Yau Yau, heavily armed by Salva Kiir’s regime had launched surprised attacks in Lou Nuer of villages Pieri, Miliky, Dhorganwel, Pamai as well as other villages around Yuai town respectively.

Lt.Col. Khor James Nyang, SPLA(IO) Communication officer for sector (3) submitted a factual report on this systematic incitement as such, It’s pretty clear the negative forces loyal to renegade General Yaw Yaw, and Murle youth did not only commited heinous crimes by inhumanely killing vulnerable women, children and injured huge number of people in the said villages, but also burned the villages to ashes and tookgood numbers of cattle, though recovered.

Moreover, The picture below showed unidentified Helicopter which is said to have landed in Gumruk yesterday evening, approximately 5:00PM to deliver ammunition and medicines to Murle youth.

With that being said, the SPLA (IO) under the leadership of Dr.Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, condemned in the strongest terms possible this barbaric acts made by negative forces of renegade General David Yau Yau,⁸ financed and supplied by the same failed regime in Juba using the state resources.

Furthermore, the SPLA-(IO) forces in all defensive positions, would not tolerated the regime aggressions in the villages is not so far from the SPLA-(IO) bases and also these civilians are the movement inhabitants that could not be genocided at our watch.

All in all, the last thing the people of South Sudan wanted to hear from Salva Kiir’s regime now is to implement the Revitalized Peace Agreement in a broaden sense, not armed Murle youth to fight Lou Nuer civilians or any community in South Sudan.

According to the SPLA-(IO) Communication officer in the field, the details we obtained shown that, the Murle youth were found in the new SSPDF uniform and new acquired machine guns with sufficient ammunitions which indicated that the government has taken side to totally disrupted the agreement.

The report submitted to the SPLA (IO) Military leadership is that about (57) innocent civilians including women and children were kill by well armed militiamen at Pieri, Miliky, Dhorganwel, Pamai and other villages around Yuai town respectively.

Meanwhile in Mayom respectively, the same scenario which happened to Lou-Nuer is imminently happening to Bul-Nuer, the same armed group organized themselves with the heavy equipment hopefully to exteminates the helpless inhabitants in Mayom county, but the great movement is at watching.

Above all these, acts are unprofessional and undoubtedly shows the failure of the entire leadership of Salva Kiir across South Sudan.

In brief, the SPLM/A-(IO) political leadership is working tirelessly in Juba to ensure that peace returns to South Sudan. Unfortunately, the Salva Kiir’s regime has not learnt anything from the past 6 years.

If the Salva Kiir’s regime will not change its normal way of doing things, it is likely that the two warring parties could opted for war again.

Finally, the SPLM/A(IO) call upon peace guarantors, especially the IGAD, AU and indeed, the wider International community to quickly intervene otherwise, SPLA-(IO) to take action to end Salva Kiir and David Yau Yau, agressions in South Sudan once and for all.


In a press conference released this afternoon Monday 18 May 2020 in the Office of the SPLM/A IO CDF said that SPLA IO is closely monitoring the on going tribal conflict and senseless war waged on Lou Nuer by Militia armed by the President of the Republic of Southsudan Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual warned David Yau Yau to cease his senseless attacks on neighboring tribes for no legitimate or concrete reasons why they killed innocent people in Pierri.

General Gatwech Dual also asked the ITGoNU to speed up the creation of the full Government and specially the state Governments to step in and stop the on going tribal wars in many parts of Southsudan.

The conflict between Murle and Nuer was politically motivated by the former system, they use David Yau Yau to destabilize the Greater Jonglei during the War and now David Yau Yau remained as the tool to be use to spoil the the Implementation of R-ARCSS in the Country.

People of Southsudan have suffered and all they need at the time is peace and tranquility to start living and to start their lives safe.

In his final remarks General Simon Gatwech Dual expressed his heartfelt condolences to the entire Lou Nuer(Pierri) and the people of Southsudan who are still dying due to the failure of ITGONU.
Stay Tune.

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