
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

#MaMaraSakit: A Woman is a Trailblazing Reformist Warrior in the National Development of South Sudan

5 min read
Betty Yom Mageer

Betty Yom Mageer

Not Just a Kitchen’s Keeper, a Woman is a Warrior and Reformist in South Sudan’s National Development

By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya

Saturday, May 23, 2020 (PW) — Dear fellow countrymen and women, I’d like to takes this fantastic opportunity to elucidate and exhibit the most powerful and excellent responsibilities and duties of a woman in our precious nation. A woman is a shining star, a developmental warrior, a second God globally and a wonderful massive reformer in any civilized society earth wide. She is a greatest peacemaker and hard worker of all times but unfortunately; she is a victim who always suffers the most from the consequences of mankind’s evil practices on this planet.

Womanhood is not a crime but a blessing whose fruitful contribution over the centuries has been seen in the continuation of humanity worldwide. And without woman in this world, then definitely, there’ll be absolutely nothing known as man on earth. Without woman, there’ll be no procreation whatsoever and even if we can blindly believe with false conviction and wishful thinking on the so called science and technology and manipulate them through genetic engineering and reconstructive and cosmetic surgery in order to invent the artificial human without woman.

Then, we’ll still fail undoubtedly and terribly and satanically even if we invite Satan to be a co-creator in the scientific creation process, to create a man without woman and this tell you that woman’s role is unchallenged in life and God is a witness to that.  Furthermore, women deserve to be given their inalienable rights and freedoms in the social, economic, academic, and political spaces in our beautiful, minerals rich South Sudan.

There’s a huge underrepresentation of women in all sectors of South Sudan. Women are massively sideline in South Sudan when it comes to policy-making that shape and affect their lives in many ways in our country. We need women to be given fifty percent like men in the government, so that when decisions are made concerning state’s affairs, we can both contribute on fifty-fifty percent allocation equally. We need women to be included all decision making processes that concern national matters in South Sudan.

The thirty-five percent allotment to women in our government is just a genesis but the pretty percentage is in the pipeline and the democratic waves of civilization and transformation has just started in our country and it’ll unquestionably shake deeply the social, economic and political landscape of South Sudan in the future. And those who peradventure doubt this inevitable reality should wake up early and acknowledge it to avoid future shock. There’ll be complete democratic waves and winds of change that’ll shake the entire South Sudan from Upper Nile, Equatoria and Bahr el Ghazal regions in the near future and it is inescapable.  

Additionally, a number of studies have shown that sustainable development is impossible without women’s empowerment and gender equality. Consequently, it is asserted that gender equality is both a human rights issue and a precondition and indicator of sustainable development. It is also affirmed that gender disparity is prevalent across the cultures of the world and that without serious steps to tackle it, sustainable development cannot be achieved.

Furthermore, to create a just and sustainable world and to enhance women’s roles in sustaining their families and communities, achieving gender equality is paramount. On the other hand, if gender equality is not maintained, it’ll retard the country’s development. In line with this idea, it is true that gender inequalities are extracting high economic costs and leading to social inequalities and environmental degradation around the world.

Therefore, one can understand from such explanations that without the equal inclusion of women in all areas of development initiatives, all the above-mentioned components of sustainable development cannot be achieved. However, gender inequalities across economic, social and environmental dimensions remain widespread and persistent. Moreover, women account for seventy per cent of the world’s poor folks because of unequal economic opportunities.

In this regard, valuing women’s work is instrumental to rescuing females from a life of poverty so they might contribute to the country’s economic growth. It is well known that one significant factor inhibiting poverty reduction and economic growth across the developing world is the failure to value women’s work. This assertion applies even more to South Sudan. Where women are engaged in unpaid, tiresome household work, leading them to be the most impoverished section of society.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to allow and encourage women to seek and work in both private and public sectors in order to alleviate poverty as well as promote economic growth. Conclusively, it is worth noting that the economic strength of women is instrumental in achieving other pillars of sustainable development. Most importantly, the economic empowerment of women is crucial for them to become active participants in all sphere of life including politics of South Sudan.

Those who are economically poor will not have time and attention to devote to politics and nation’s building. It is when women are economically powerful that they can better influence politics and state’s progress. Hence, empowerment of women economically, socially, academically and politically is significant for women to contribute massively and meaningfully in South Sudan’s development and lasting peace.

The author, Betty Yom Mageer, is a women rights activist and can be reached via her email:

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