
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

President Kiir Establishes an Investigation Committee Over Killing of Civilians in Sherkat, Juba

3 min read

A committee to investigate last week's Sherikat Incident has been sworn-in before the President in J1 today. The…

Posted by SSBC News on Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sunday, June 07, 2020 (PW) — “The Investigation Committee that was formed on the 4th of June by H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit to investigate the unfortunate incident that occurred in Shirkat has been sworn in this morning, 7th of June.

The incident resulted into the loss of lives and destruction of property at Shirkat on the 3rd of June. The committee members took oath before President Salva Kiir to perform all their functions and powers assigned to them in good faith and ensure that the investigation is expidited so that the law can take it’s course, and the apprehended suspects can answer to their charges in the court of law.

The oath taking was administered by the Chief Justice, Chan Reech Madut in the President’s Office on Sunday. Madol Arol Kachuol, Justice Minister; Paul Mayom Akech, Interior Minister; Rin Tueny Mabor (Janafil), M.I. Chief; Akol Khor Kuch, NSS Chief; Majak Akech Malok, Police IGP; Johnson Juma Okot, Army Chief (CDF); Monyluak Alor Kuol, independent lawyer (famously for former Political detainees).

Speaking to the investigation committee after the oath taking, President Salva Kiir urged the committee to dig deeper and find out the facts on what led to the incident that resulted into the loss of lives and destruction of property at Shirkat on 3rd June.

President Salva Kiir emphasized that, those found guilty of being behind the incident will be taken to court and used as an example for such incidents not to happen again.

President Salva Kiir further outlined that, even though there has been sporadic reports from Bor that students and business people from Bhar el Ghazal were targeted, there has been no official reports from authorities on the ground. However, he added that he will put in place a facts finding committee to find out if indeed people from bahr el Ghazal were being targeted in Bor, and if there is any such incidents, the perpetrators will face the law as individual criminals.

President Salva Kiir said, the people of Bor and Bahr el Ghazal are a one people who fought hard to liberate the nation, and should not be divided by this unfortunate incident that occurred in Shirkat. The bonds that unite us are thicker than the strings that may seek to drive us apart.

The chairperson of the investigation committee, Madol Arol Kachuol said, the committee is committed to accomplish their investigation within the agreed time frame of 7 days.

The Minister of Presidential Affairs, Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial urged the public to be patient and avoid speculation on what transpired in Shirkat and not to jump into conclusions, Nhial Deng Nhial said, the government is committed to do what is supposed to be done and those found guilty will be held accountable.”

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