
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Call for Justice: A South Sudanese Journalist Demands Justice for his Slain Elder Brother

3 min read

#NoJusticeNoPeace# I am a concerned South Sudanese citizen calling for justice of my brother who was innocently killed on road ambush in South Sudan.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 (PW) — A South Sudanese journalists called for justices for the death of his brother killed on 10th June 2018. He described his late brother as humble man called Micheal Ruot Jany Bol well known as Nyatiop.

According to the family source, Ruot was killed on the road ambushed after traders vehicle attacked by unknown gunmen between Rumbek to Mayendit in Unity state.

Seven businessmen were killed and their goods looted. Survivors said the attackers were on military uniform. Mayendit County commissioner Michael Mathinag said he reported the matter to the state authority but nothing was done to search for propitiators.

In South Sudan many people lose their lives on the road incidences, cattle raiding and revenge killing but government action is too slow immediately arrest suspects. According to family member, Late Michael Ruot was killed at the age of 40. He married two wives with his elder son turn to 18 years the day his dad was killed.

The brother to Late Ruot said the death of his love one left him in pain with endeavors memories. Chuol Jany said his brother was a former soldier who switched to business in 2013. He described him as liberator who fought for injustice yet now government couldn’t identifying those murdered him.

“His blood gone like many others south Sudanese killed by those who can’t be accounted for their crimes? Who is to blames, a question remain hanging in my mind. A lots of memories always wake up in the mid-night thinking about good time with him and others who fall in the same category.”

“He could invited me during school holiday to crack jokes and get better hospitality from his lovely wife, Mama Gatmai. Many time I’ve to cross the border all away from far north of Uganda near Congo to Nimule’s Papa91, Lobonok, Yei and many more places in Equatoria region of his military operation,” Chuol said.

Chuol Jany who is a South Sudanes journalist said the death of his brother will not be in vain. He pomise to uses his tools to stand tall for justice to prevail since he was not killed in war.

“Many of us in this country have the same stories some could be worse than this if we were told to express our feeling to those in power, they would leave the big seats, kneels with us in memories of love one lost during the cost of conflict to avoid the curse.”

“But that not the case, the leaders failed us with unacceptable failure from their thought, treating blames and faults.”

Jany said he will not stop biting the drum of truth loud, criticize in justice to achieve justice and better government this country dare to be different. #NoJusticeNoPeace#

You can reach, Chuol Jany, the South Sudan’s Journalist, via his email:

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