
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Padang Dinka Community: We Reject Proposal of Johnson Ulony Thupi as Governor of Upper Nile State

5 min read

Upper Nile State Padang Community: “Rejection on Government’s decision over Upper Nile State Issuance to SPLM/IO with No Bad Feelings or Intentions”

Your Excellences.

Cc. Salva Kiir Mayardit president of the Republic of South Sudan

Dr.Riek 1st Vice President,

Dr. James Wani 2nd Vice President,

Mr.Taban Deng Gai 3rd Vice President,

MS. Rebecca Nyandeng Mabior 4th Vice president

And Abdalla Ayii 5th vice president.

Dear Country Men and Women.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 (PW) — Padang community live in harmony and share borders with other communities Such as Nuer, Shilluk and Maban including the Arab North for ages of generation. Padang Community have no bad feelings or intentions about South Sudan to fall apart. We are peaceful community; we are for peace and we want to live in peace with every South Sudanese in all our localities. 

However, our government that we have been loyal to and the Communities that we have been living with seems to be taking our kindness and welcoming for granted and mistaken belief. We expect that such advantages could not be misconstrued or taken as weakness of Jieng Padang community in that matter.

Our loyalty to SPLA/M or to the current government of South Sudan should not be taken as tools to destroy Padang community. The matter of fact is, it is because we don’t want to prove the statement that was once said by the government of Khartoum (Jalaba) that South Sudanese (Junubian) will not be able to rule or manage themselves. That is why we the Padang Community from the borders stay firm to our constitution and believe in peaceful mean. 

This is the only ideology that cemented Padang to remained supporters of the constitution of the Republic of South Sudan to the last drop. However, we have been witnessing abuses and intimidations attempt to drill deeper on bleeding wounds. The greater Jieng Padang community across the country neither we have bad feelings nor intentions to destroy your government or South Sudan, but the history keep repeating itself Sir.

You and your government always keep pleasing rebels by rewarding them with positions and accommodations in the military and in hotels, yet your citizens are suffering beyond doubt. For example, Paweny de Atar and Khorflus people of the Greater Pigi; no one pay attention to their suffering. Your administration failed under the revitalized peace agreement protocol to direct the opposition group to leave Atar and Khorflus such that the citizens of area can go back homes and work for themselves. 

The above-mentioned reasons prompted Jieng Padang rejection to the SPLM/IO proposals to appointed Johnson Ulony for the governor. Mr. President you must remain vigilant because the enemy of peace has not slept, rather trying very hard to push the government to play a beat that provoke another conflict in the Upper Nile. 

Mr. President and Dr. Riek, under what article or constriction of the South Sudan where it stated “someone who has killed people, destroyed citizen properties and the country resources without justice is rewarded with position to rule the very same families of the people he has killed? In a region where bones of the deceases are still laying on the ground, where in the world in the world do you have that?”

Mr. President, the perpetrators of such acts are called warlords, criminal, looters, destructors of peace and nation. In this worldno one is given license to kills other humans being and get rewarded or become the leader the community he/she killed but it seems to be heard in South Sudan. However, Padang Community across the globe and in South Sudan reject the idea of a murderer leadership sir. 

Your excellences. We are here to oppose the proposal of appointing Johnson Ulony Thupi to become the governor of the Upper Nile State. He is not a qualified candidate to lead Upper Nile state at this moment due to the following reasons. 

1.( He), Mr. Johson Ulony rebelled and joined SPLM/IO group in pursuant of his unfinished business with Padang Community as he claimed during his Interview with the Chief Military Broadcasting Malak Ayuen on a national television, yet was given all weaponry by the former Chief of Staff Malong Awan and James Ajong Mawut to fight the enemy. However, the renegade Johnson Ulony turns all those heavy government guns against Jieng Padang across the Eastern Nile. 

2. He destroyed all the citizens’ lives and cities around the Malakal when he rebelled against your government, killing your men in uniform as well. We believed that you are very aware of that incident.

3. He looted all resources that belong to the communities including the network tower and other vital things in Malakal and many more.

4. As we speak, he still occupied some areas around Malakal claiming to be his. For example, in greater Pigi areas Nyinthar – Atar and Khorflus- Nyinthok Malual and in Northern part of Malakal, he is also claiming some part in Akoka areas. For example, Thiangrial likewise to Ngok Lualyak’s land, he also claiming Anakdiar just to mention few.

5. General Ulony must be brought to book for the tragedy that he committed during those years starting from December 31, 2010. When he attacked Atar community in Christmas time and destroy lives and property and again in 2014 to date. Leave alone becoming a governor. He has to be brought into a court of law and face justice instead of Dr.Riek inquiry of him to be the governor of Upper Nile state.

With due respect, we believe that it would be better if this position of governorship could be given to Maban Community or Goma Community for peace and stability in Upper Nile State. This will encourage the communities in Upper Nile to live in a peaceful coexistence with one another and NOT to Please, Nuer, and Shilluk at this moment if you want that state to live in peace beny Kiir Mayardit and beny Riek Machar. 

We also are also asking for the relocation of Johnson Ulony and his forces from Atar to containment sites if he is with the SPLM/IO as stipulated in the Revitalized Peace Agreement.

Thank you very much. 

By James Akot

I can be reach @

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