
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dr. Riek Machar Should Choose Between his love for Upper Nile State People and Johnson Olony

3 min read

Dr. Riek Machar should give a clear distinction of what is important between his love of Upper State with its people and his love on Gen. Johnson Olony as his nominee for Governorship ofUpper Nile state.

By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, August 06, 2020 (PW) — First and foremost, Upper State is one of the most important state in south Sudan, it is the capital of upper Nile region according to regional politics of then Sudan. It is considered as one of the state inhabited by all the tribes of South Sudan.

In Malakal, there are Dinka, Nuer, Shiluk and other tribes of south Sudan are living in Malakal as the capital of upper Nile Region, meaning it has the majority of people in it. Which I believe in the political point view it can be considered as a good political stronghold if people there can accept to rally behind a certain political leader in the country.

I think that is the reason as to why Dr. Riek Machar has been insisting in taking Upper Nile to be ruled by SPLM IO. The population in Malakal is like that of Western Bhar El Ghazel State capital Wau. Wau is the capital of Western Bhar El Ghazel Region according to then Sudan administrative system of governance.

Now Dr. Riek Machar should choose between what is good for him and his political interest of his party, since the issue of upper Nile state has created a lots of delays in the formation of states governments.

In the first communique at J1 when Mayiik Ayii was still a minister of presidential affairs, it was agreed that SPLM IO should take Western Bhar El Ghazel, Western Equatoria and Jongeli State but for him and his party have rejected that proposal because he wanted very badly to take Upper Nile State. The reason is best known to SPLM IO leadership.

Again President Kiir compromised to let go Upper Nile State to SPLM IO in order to pave way for the formation of State governments and again Dr. Riek nominated his general Johnson Olony as nominee for the position of Governorship of Upper State, there the government rejected it and say SPLM IO should just nominate an other person instead of insisting on Johnson.

It is not clear on the side of IO why the only insist on Johnson Olony’s nomination? Don’t they have other generals who can be nominated for that portfolio? Methinks, Dr. Riek Machar should just nominate an other candidate if he is really for peace and the love of people of upper Nile state.

Therefore, Dr. Riek Machar should give distinction between what he loves, is it upper Nile as a state, Johnson Olony as his general and the people of upper Nile state. This is going to be an easy way to make this peace agreement implemented in good faith.

The issue of upper Nile state has been solved since it was given to SPLM IO but they should not go as far as refusing to drop their interest on Johnson Olony.

This is not the spirit of an organization which is interested in peace, Dr. Riek should differentiate between his love for the people of upper Nile state or his love of General Johnson Olony. Why he wanted him to be a Governor badly?

“Silence is not more the best”

Writer is a south Sudanese citizen and he can be reached via

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