
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

CEPO: Deep Mistrust and Lack of Confidence Among Political Elites is Hindering R-ARCSS Implementation

3 min read

Edmund Yakani, Human Right Defender and the Executive Director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO)

Political elite’s personal mistrust and lack of confidence is hindering their partnership for peace and stability

Sunday, August 09, 2020 (PW) —  It was realized through CEPO R-ARCSS implementation observation that the pathway for securing peace and stability in South Sudan is much hindered by political elite’s personal mistrust and lack of confidences for working as partners for realization of peace and stability.  Political elite’s deficit in trust and confidence is the greatest obstacle for realization of peace and stability in South Sudan.

Without proper and genuine change of political attitudes among the political elites at personal level it will not be easy to realize and deliver genuine peace and stability in South Sudan through the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan signed on the 12th September 2020 in Ethiopia Addis Ababa  

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO said it is clear that factors which hinder the timely implementation f R-ARCSS are all linked to issue of mistrust and lack of confidence among the political elites at personal level. The rest of the reasons for delaying the implementation of the peace agreement are side effects of the underlining cause which is deficit in trust and confidence among the political elites at personal level strongly

The only appetites for regaining or restoring political will for securing peace and stability or transitioning from violence to peace in South Sudan is when the political elites at personal level regained trust and confidence for working together as partners for peace and stability in South Sudan.

To realize all the aspirations enshrined in the various chapters of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan is much depending on the political elites personal level of trust and confidence towards counterparts for genuine deliverance of the peace agreement. Mr. Yakani stressed 

CEPO is calling upon the South Sudan political elites to rescue the citizens from the hardship created by the various forms of violence that is much fuelled by matters of higher level of personal mistrust and lack of confidence toward other fellow political elites.

The political ego among the politicians is one of the underlining reason for continuous violence in the country. It is time for South Sudan political elites to regain trust and confidence towards each other for living united, together in difference and diversity for sake of making peace and stability prevail in South Sudan

Finally, CEPO state stability and peace forum will be much focusing on fostering dialogue for regaining trust and confidence among political elites and between politicians and citizens for the sake of making peace and stability to prevail.

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) is a non-profit, civil society, South Sudanese organization, registered by the Ministry of Justice on 17th November 2010. The organization was initially formed in Khartoum in 1999 and consisted of mostly University students, but its scope broadened after it was established in Juba, Southern Sudan as a separate entity. Presently, CEPO is engaged in the areas of Peace and conflict mitigation, human rights, rule of law, livelihood, governance and democratic transformation. Mr. Edmund Yakani Berizilious is the Executive Director of CEPO.

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